January 04, 2016 Agenda



                Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors


                                                                                                                                                                                            6:00 PM


Call to Order                Chair Feuling


Approve agenda



Approval of Minutes: 12/21//15 regular/Board of Adjustment board minutes


Payment of Bills: Claims 16001-16007 in the amount of $25,557.60, net payroll $2,754.62, totaling $28,312.22

Transfer of Funds: $ 28,000.00


Citizen Concerns:


Planning and Zoning-

  1. Fee schedule rate change
  2. Zoning Administrator items of business


Engineer’s Report

  1. Engineers items of business


Old Business:

  1. Zoning administration contract – 2016
  2. Engineering contract – 2016
  3. Resolution 16-01, letter of support for City of Alexandria re RCC

New Business:








Dates to Remember:

Dec. 29-Jan. 12- Filing Period for election

Jan 20 – Regular Board Meeting (note Wed)

Jan 25 – Planning Commission

Feb 1 – Regular Board Meeting

Feb 17 – Regular Board Meeting (note Wed)

Feb 22 – Planning Commission