March 08, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Alexandria Township

Alexandria, Minnesota 56308

Minutes of the meeting of 3-8-2016


The annual meeting of Alexandria Township was held on the 8th Day of March 2016 at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Hwy. 29 North, Alexandria, MN.


Clerk Raisanen opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 8:05 PM.


Rod Eldevik nominated Bernie Van Zomeren as moderator for the meeting. Nominations ceased. A unanimous ballot was placed for Bernie Van Zomeren as moderator.


The meeting was turned over to Bernie Van Zomeren at 8:08 PM.


Russel Niskanen, seconded by Rod Eldevik, made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.


APPROVE MINUTES: Joel Dahlheimer, seconded by Jul Feuling, made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 10, 2015 annual meeting as written. Motion carried.


CLERKS REPORT: Clerk Raisanen reported that the Township was in sound financial condition at the end of the year. The draft audited financial statement depicts the township’s total assets at the end of 2015 were $1,210,480, an increase of more than $100,000 compared to last year. The ending fund balance for the year was $1,167,068 compared to a beginning fund balance of $1,055,431 an increase of $111,637. Total Revenue for the year was $887,132 and total expenditures for the year were $775,495.


Major road improvements included the rebuilding of the unpaved portion of Neewana Beach Road with an installation of a golf cart underpass paid for by the owner of the golf course. Paving projects approved for 2016 include paving the remaining portion of Neewana Beach Road and overlaying Apache Lane, Colorado Circle, Pinewood Lane and Lakecrest Road. In addition, Liberty Road will be re-shouldered.


Clerk Raisanen reported that building activity in 2015 was greater than 2014. Sixty building permits were issued which included 7 for new single family dwellings, with construction in the estimated value of $2,000,000.


Clerk Raisanen reviewed the 2015 actual spending vs budget and presented a proposed 2017 budget in the amount of $793,000. He explained the board has proposed a levy increase of $43,500 for 2016 as a result of decreased payments from the City of Alexandria. The final phase of the annexation was completed in 2012 and the township will have to begin increasing the levy when the additional revenue stops in the future. The levy has been decreasing for the past several years.


Jul Feuling, seconded by Jeff Oberg, made a motion to approve the Clerk’s report as presented. Motion carried.


Mark Watkins, Alexandria Township’s representative on the AAEDC board, provided a brief report highlighting the activities of the Alexandria Area Economic Development Commission. Mark provided a summary of the activity that the commission has been involved in during the previous year. The commission is proposing a slight decrease in the levy from Alexandria Township in 2016. Mark also expressed appreciation for the support that Alexandria Township provides to support development activities in the region.


Clerk Raisanen presented a proposed levy for the following amounts: General Revenue- $135,000, Road & Bridge- $160,000, Blacktop- $65,000, ALASD- 100,000, Snow & Weed- $50,000, Parks & Recreation- $23,000, Fire Protection- $46,1288, Total recommended levy amount for 2016 is $579,128. Joel Dahlheimer, seconded by Rodney Eldevik, made a motion to approve the 2016 Levy, payable in 2017, in the total amount of $579,128. Motion carried.


2017 MEETING DATE: Joel Dahlheimer, seconded by Jul Feuling, made a motion to set the 2017 annual township meeting on March 17, 2017 at 8:00 PM at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. Motion carried.


Moderator Van Zomeren opened the floor for any items. No items.


Clerk Raisanen reported that Joel Dahlheimer and Rodney Eldevik had received the most votes for the positions of Supervisor “B” and “C” and have been re-elected to three-year terms.


Being no further business, Russell Niskanen, seconded by Jul Feuling, made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.



Respectfully Submitted…..                                          ___________________________                                                                                            Gregg Raisanen, Clerk

Approved this _____ day of _________, 2016


Bernie Van Zomeren- Moderator