February 20, 2013 Agenda




                Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors


                                                                                                                                                                                                         6:00 PM


Call to Order     Chairman Alstead


Approve agenda



Approval of Minutes: 02/04/2013 regular board minutes


Payment of Bills: Claims 13033-13039 $3,557.50, EFTPS $925.60, total $4,483.10

Transfer of Funds:   $0


Citizen Concerns:

Planning and Zoning-


  1. Zoning Administrators items of business


Engineer’s Report

  1. Engineers items of business


Old Business:

  1. Newsletter

New Business:

  1. Candidates
  2. Financials





Dates to Remember:


Feb. 25- Planning Commission

Mar. 4 – Regular Board meeting and Board of Audit meeting

Mar. 12 –Township Election and Annual Meeting

Mar. 18 – Regular Board meeting

Mar. 20 – Douglas Co. Association of Townships meeting – 10:00 a.m. DPW

Mar. 25 – Planning Commission

Mar. 28 – Short course – Arrowwood

Apr. 1 – Regular Board meeting