September 7, 2011 Agenda




                Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors


                                                                                                                                                                                                         6:00 PM


Call to Order       Chairman Ross


Approve agenda



Approval of Minutes: 08/15/2011 regular board minutes


Payment of Bills: Claims 11213-11232 -$59,657.36, net payroll-$3,205.12, total $62,862.48

Transfer of Funds:   $61,000.00

Citizen Concerns:

Planning and Zoning-

  1. Douglas Co. Comp Plan
  2. Zoning Administrators items of business


Engineer’s Report

  1. Lake Jessie quotes
  2. Engineers items of business


Old Business:

New Business:

  1. Winter road maintenance contract
  2. LAR




Dates to Remember:

Sept. 7- Regular Board Meeting- Note Weds

Sept. 19Regular Board meeting

Sept. 26-Planning Commission meeting

Sept. 27- School Board election