September 15,2008 Agenda




                Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors


                                                                                                                                                                                                         6:00 PM


Call to Order     Chairman Thalman


Approve agenda



Approval of Minutes:   9/03/08 Regular Board Meeting,


Payment of Bills: Claims in the amount of $, net payroll: $, for a total of $

Transfer of Funds:   $

Board of Appeals:   After the fact permit fee


Citizen Concerns:



Planning and Zoning-


Engineer’s Report

  1. Queens’ Road blacktop status
  2. Street lights- S. LeHommeDieu Estates
  3. Maple Drive Repair


Old Business:



New Business:

  1. Road maintenance contract
  2. ALASD 2009 amount
  3. Election Judges







Dates to Remember:


Sept. 16- Special Board Meeting- 9:30 AM- 1017 Broadway

Sept. 16- District 9 meeting- Cormorant Town Hall 7:30 PM

Oct. 6- Regular Board Meeting

Oct. 20- Regular Board Meeting