February 4, 2008 Agenda




                Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors


                                                                                                                                                                                                         7:30 PM

Chairman Thalman


Call to Order

Approve agenda



Approval of Minutes:   1/23/08 Regular Board Meeting


Payment of Bills: $ Claims in the amount of and net payroll in the amount of for a total of


Transfer of Funds:   $


Citizen Concerns:



Planning and Zoning-

  1. 2007 end of year report
  2. Gavins Pt Subdivision
  3. Geneva Estates North, 2nd Addition- Impervious surface limits
  4. Kristin Carr


Engineer’s Report


Old Business:

New Business:

  1. Election Judges- township Election
  2. Office storage furniture
  3. 2009 Budget







Dates to Remember:


Feb. 20- Regular Board meeting (Note Wed)\

Feb. 25- Planning Commission meeting-6:30

Mar. 3- Regular Board meeting

Mar. 11- Annual election and annual meeting

Mar. 17- Regular Board meeting