March 3, 2011 Meeting Minutes

Alexandria Township

Alexandria, Minnesota 56308

Minutes of the meeting of 3-08-2011

The annual meeting of Alexandria Township was held on the 8h Day of March 2011 at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Hwy. 29 North, Alexandria, MN.


Clerk Raisanen opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 8:05 PM.


Bryon Alstead, seconded by Julie Feuling, nominated Rod Eldevik as moderator for the meeting. Nominations ceased. A unanimous ballot was placed for Rod Eldevik as moderator.


The meeting was turned over to Rod Eldevik at 8:07 PM.


Joel Dahlheimer, seconded by Roger Thalman, made a motion to approve the agenda with the addition of a report from Douglas County Commissioner Dan Olson. Motion carried.


APPROVE MINUTES: Roger Thalman, seconded by Julie Feuling, made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 9, 2010 annual meeting as written. Motion carried.


BEYOND THE YELLOW RIBBON: County Commissioner Olson provided information regarding the upcoming Beyond the Yellow Ribbon campaign. He requested that Alexandria Township participate in the campaign by helping out families with members serving overseas and by providing communication in the community.


CLERK’S REPORT: Clerk Raisanen reported that the Township was in a sound financial condition at the end of the year. The audited financial statement shows that the township’s total assets at the end of 2010 were $1,020,207. The ending fund balance for the year was $909,049 compared to a beginning fund balance of $655,977 with an increase of $253,072. Total Revenue for the year was $1,120,827 compared to $1,055,009 in 2009, an increase of $65,818. Total expenditures for the year were $867,755 compared to $1,021,004, a decrease of $153,449. Most of the increase in fund balance was in the blacktop and ALASD fund and the biggest deficit was in the Road and Bridge fund. Primary reason for the decrease in spending in the blacktop fund was the cancellation of planned road paving projects since the residents overwhelmingly rejected the proposed assessments.


Major road improvement projects completed during the past year were the repaving and repairing of roads. Anticipated road projects for 2011 were the repaving of E. Lake Victoria, Geneva Golf Club Drive and E. Lake Geneva. The board is considering widening the road surface to allow for a bike route along the side of these roads.


Clerk Raisanen reported that the town board had approved some new plats within the township; however, development activity had continued to be slow.


Clerk Raisanen presented a proposed 2012 budget in the amount of $917,250 compared to the approved budget for 2011of $1,049,127, which is a decrease of 10.2%. The proposed levy is $684,513 compared to last year’s amount of $784,498, which is a 12.7% decrease.


Jul Feuling, seconded by Larry Steidl, made a motion to approve the Clerk’s Report. Motion carried.


Jeff Patience, Alexandria Township’s representative on the AAEDC, provided a brief report highlighting the activities of the Alexandria Area Economic Development Commission. He also provided the proposed budget of $277,785, which is a 0% change from the previous year.


Russ Niskanen, seconded by Roger Thalman, made a motion to approve the total levy in one vote. Motion carried.


Clerk Raisanen presented a proposed levy for the following amounts: General Revenue- $139,928, Road & Bridge- $198,245, Blacktop- $28,340, ALASD- $150,000, Snow & Weed- $50,000, Parks & Recreation- $43,000, Fire Protection- $75,000, Total recommended levy amount for 2011 is $684,513. Larry Steidl, seconded by Russ Niskanen, made a motion to approve the 2011 Levy, payable in 2012, in the total amount of $684,513. Motion carried.


2012 MEETING DATE: Bryon Alstead, seconded by Jul Feuling, made a motion to set the 2012 annual township meeting on March 13, 2012 at 8:00 PM at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. Motion carried.


Moderator Eldevik opened the floor for any items. No items were presented.


Clerk Raisanen reported that Julie Feuling and Roger Thalman had received the most votes for the position of Supervisor and had been reelected to three-year terms.


Being no further business, Roger Thalman, seconded by Julie Feuling, made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.



Respectfully Submitted…..

Gregg Raisanen, Clerk


Approved this _____ day of _________, 2011

Rod Eldevik- Moderator