May 13, 2008 Meeting Minutes



May 13, 2008



  1. Call to Order – 2:45 PM


  1. Roll Call


In attendance were Roger Thalman (chair), Louis Ross, Bryon Alstead, Joel Dahlheimer, Jim Casper, Ben Oleson (Zoning Administrator).


  1. Site Visits


Midwest Machinery. Variance to replace a sign not meeting right-of-way setbacks, setbacks between signs on the same side of the road, height restriction. Parcel No. 03-1833-000.


Erik Bagley of Indigo Signworks and a representative from Midwest Machinery were on site to explain the application. Mr. Bagley explained the intent to replace the sign in the same location and described the design of the new sign – as detailed in their application. Stated that the current sign is 10 feet from the right-of-way. Dahlheimer asked if there were any state requirements affecting this application and whether the ordinance was written for billboards and not for business signs such as this. Oleson stated his understanding was that the County was focused on billboards when drafting this ordinance, but wasn’t sure, and that these are local regulations – not state. Mr. Bagley agreed, saying that the ordinances were similar to what MN DoT requires for billboards along state highways. Thalman asked about the height of the proposed sign. Oleson pointed out that the application shows the bottom of the sign will be almost 18 feet from ground surface and that the ordinance requires no more than 10 feet. Alstead asked how long the current ordinance has been in place with Douglas County – Oleson stated he did not know and would have to research that question. The representative from Midwest Machinery noted that several other signs along this stretch of road have been put in in the last ten years. Ross asked for confirmation of all the variances being requested – Oleson stated it was three variances: 1) within the minimum right-of-way setback of 50 feet; 2) within the 500 ft setback between signs on the same side of the road; and 3) exceeding the height requirement of 10 feet from the ground surface. Thalman asked if the owners would be willing to remove their existing “Arctic Cat” sign or place it on the building? The representative from Midwest Machinery thought this might be possible.


There being no further discussion, the meeting was recessed at 2:54 to drive to the next site.


Wayne and Patricia Virkus. Variance to allow an addition to an exisiting nonconforming structure. Parcel nos. 03-1898-000 and 03-1878-000.


The meeting was brought back to order at 3:03pm. Mr. Virkus was on site to explain his application. He stated that he bought the house a year ago and that within a short time, the existing sand point well stopped producing water. He dug a new well on the adjacent property to the north that he also owns and had to bore the water line from the well into the side hill and to his home. The water line now sits outside adjacent to the existing dwelling and is subject to freezing in the winter. He would like to add a 6’ x 6’ addition to enclose it and attach it to the existing dwelling. Board members questioned whether the road east of the home was still county right-of-way for the recently moved road. Oleson stated his understanding from Dave Robley, County Engineer, was that it was still right-of-way, since the owners in that area would not otherwise have direct access to a public right-of-way. Ross asked whether the home had a basement. Mr. Virkus explained it has a crawl space, but no basement. Ross asked if there was room to build without a variance – Oleson stated the lot was about 90 feet deep, which would leave only about 8 feet for construction of a building after taking into account the 50 foot lake setback and the 32 foot right-of-way setback.


There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned.


  1. Adjournment – 3:13 PM


Submitted by:

Ben Oleson

Community Growth Institute

Zoning Administrator

Alexandria Township