December 5, 2016 agenda


Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors


6:00 PM

Call to Order   Chair Feuling         

Approve agenda

Approval of Minutes: 11/21/16 regular board minutes

Payment of Bills: Claims 16244-16261 in the amount of $140,798.65, Net Payroll $11,058.71, totaling

$ 151,857.36

Transfer of Funds: $ 146,000.00

 Citizen Concerns:

Planning and Zoning:

  1. Preliminary Plat of Dailey’s Country Pass
  2. Zoning Administrator items of business


Engineer’s Report:

  1. Engineers items of business


Old Business:


New Business:

  1. Resolution 16-03, adoption of junk ordinance
  2. Zoning Administration Services
  3. Engineering Services

Dates to Remember:

Dec. 19- Regular Board Meeting/Board of Adjustment meeting

Dec. 28- Planning Commission – Note Weds

Jan. 3-17- Filing Period Township Officer

Jan 4- Regular Board Meeting- Note Weds

Jan 16- Regular Board meeting
