June 3, 2024 minutes

Alexandria Township

Alexandria, Minnesota 56308

Minutes of the meeting of June 3, 2024

A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Alexandria Township was held on the 3rd day of June, 2024 at the Alexandria Township Conference Room, 324 Broadway and via teleconference.

ROLL CALL:  Supervisors present were Joel Dahlheimer, Rod Eldevik, Dennis Butz and Jerry Wright.  Also present were Bonnie Fulghum, Administrative Assistant, and Mona Billmark, Treasurer.  As said members formed a quorum and the meeting was called to order by Chairman Eldevik at 6:00 p.m.

Dahlheimer, seconded by Butz, made a motion to adopt the agenda with the addition of City of Nelson annexation request under New Business.  Motion carried unanimously.

Butz, seconded by Dahlheimer, made a motion to approve the minutes of the 5/20/2024 regular board meeting as written.  Motion carried unanimously.

Wright, seconded by Dahlheimer, made a motion to approve the PERA payment not to exceed $900.  Motion carried unanimously.

Dahlheimer, seconded by Butz, made a motion to authorize payment of claims 24116 – 24122 in the amount of $22,967.76 with a transfer from savings of $17,000.  Motion carried unanimously.


PLANNING AND ZONING:  Zoning Administrator Oleson reported the township had received a complaint regarding the motocross track on S. Lake Jessie Road.  The complaint stems from both the noise and frequency of use.  Oleson stated last year Supervisor Oberg was going to contact the sheriff’s department and ask if a deputy with a decibel meter could follow up on the noise complaint the town had received. As Oberg was not in attendance at the meeting, the matter was tabled.  Chairman Eldevik to follow up with Oberg.

ENGINEER’S REPORT:  Engineer Kuhn reported bids are not back yet concerning the 2024 road improvements.

Kuhn reported the town received two quotes for gravel.  Alden Just Road Maintenance quoted $18/cu yd for a total of $36,000.  Mark Lee Excavating quoted $18.25/cu yd for a total of $36,500.  Wright, seconded by Dahlheimer, made a motion to accept the quote from Alden Just Road Maintenance at the price quoted above. Motion carried unanimously.

Additional items for discussion were the drainage issues concerning Donway Drive / Donway Court and E. Lake Geneva Road.

OLD BUSINESS:  Chairman Eldevik reported he had contacted Scott Gilbertson with ALASD regarding the potential Maple Drive sewer extension.  This would be a new project for the ALASR.  Eldevik asked him to provide an estimate of cost for the area between Golden Gate Avenue and Wickstrom Lane.  Estimated project cost is $188,300 affecting a total of four landowners.  Eldevik felt the cost prohibitive, as it equates to $47,075 / landowner.

Joel and Rebekah Erickson, one of the affected landowners, stated they intend to build a home on the former Johanson site.  They are in the process of finalizing building plans and do not wish to invest in a private mound system if the public sanitary system is to be installed. Until a decision on ALASD is made, their project is tentatively on hold.  Supervisor Dahlheimer will contact the regions board for more information.  Consensus to table until the next meeting.

NEW BUSINESS:  Chairman Eldevik reported our township attorney, Troy Gilchrist, has decided to leave Kennedy & Graven and formed his own firm, Town Law Center, effective June 7, 2024.  Eldevik stated the township’s representation was with Attorney Gilchrist as opposed to the firm of Kennedy & Graven.  Attorney Gilchrist is amenable to continue representing the township.  Administrative Assistant Fulghum was directed to contact Kennedy & Graven and request our township’s records be transferred to Town Law Center.

Chairman Eldevik reported the town has received a Petition for Annexation request from the City of Nelson regarding Eastwood Estates, formerly known as the Dropik farm site.  Eldevik will contact Attorney Gilchrist about next steps.

Being no further business, Dahlheimer, seconded by Butz, made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Meeting adjourned at 6:48 p.m.

Respectfully submitted….


Bonnie Fulghum, Administrative Assistant

Approved this ____ day of ________, 2024


Rod Eldevik, Chairman