March 17, 2025 minutes

Alexandria Township

Alexandria, Minnesota 56308

Minutes of the meeting of March 17, 2025

A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Alexandria Township was held on the 17th day of March, 2025 at the Alexandria Township Conference Room, 324 Broadway, and via teleconference.

ROLL CALL: Supervisors present were Dennis Butz, Joel Dahlheimer, Rod Eldevik and Jerry Wright.  Also present were Mark Meuwissen, Clerk, and Mona Billmark, Treasurer.  As said members formed a quorum, the meeting was called to order by Chairman Eldevik at 6:00 p.m.

Butz, seconded by Wright, made a motion to adopt the agenda as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Wright, seconded by Joel, made a motion to approve the minutes of the 3/3/2025 regular board meeting as written.

Dahlheimer, seconded by Wright, made a motion to authorize payment of claims 25050 – 25057 in the amount of $2,542.37, EFTPS $1,358.88 Totaling $3,901.25.  No transfer of funds were necessary.  Motion carried unanimously.

Claim number 25043 for the Douglas County Historic Society, which was tabled at the prior meeting, was reconsidered for payment.

Brittany Johnson, Director of Operations for the Douglas County Historical Society, discussed current financial needs and future exhibits relating to the 250th anniversary of the United States Declaration of Independence.  Johnson discussed how activities and programs are designed to appeal to all age groups.  Johnson also gave an example of a recent research project.

Dahlheimer, seconded by Wright, made a motion to pay claim 25043 in the amount of $500.  Motion carried unanimously.


PLANNING AND ZONING: Zoning Administrator Ben Oleson had no items for the Board.

Eldevik updated the Board on the trailer that has been parked on the gravel strip of road located between 2710 and 2611 Le Homme Dieu Heights NE.  The trailer has been ticketed for parking in the road right-of-way.  Eldevik stated that the road in this particular area was narrow and any parked vehicles or trailers would restrict safe traffic flow and likely impede access by emergency response vehicles. Eldevik questioned whether the town should post no parking signs.  After discussion by the Board, Wright, seconded by Butz, made a motion to authorize no parking signs to be placed along this section of road.  Motion passed unanimously.


OLD BUSINESS: Meuwissen provided the Board with the results of our advertised request for  summer road maintenance services.  Only one quote was received, from Alden Just Road Maintenance. This contractor meets all the minimum specifications listed in the published RFP.  Meuwissen read the proposed rates per hour and fuel costs, comparing them to the 2024 contract rates.

Wright, seconded by Dahlheimer, made a motion to accept the proposal and award the contract for summer road maintenance services to Alden Just Road Maintenance.  Motion carried unanimously.

There being no other business, Chairman Eldevik adjourned the meeting at 6:27 PM

Respectfully submitted….


Mark Meuwissen, Clerk

Approved this ____ day of ________, 2025


Rod Eldevik, Chairman