2013 0826 Blue Ox Rock public hearing notice


Notice is hereby given that the Alexandria Township Planning Commission will convene on August 26, 2013, at 6:00 PM at the Township Conference Room (located at 610 Fillmore Street behind Trumm Drug) to conduct the following public hearings:

Conditional or Interim Use application to construct a new commercial/industrial building to house timber frame manufacturing and assembly as an expansion to the legal non-conforming business already on-site. Property located at 7300 – 39th Avenue NE. Freehealer Asset Holdings, LLC, applicant. Legal description summary as follows: Section 1, Township 128, Range 37; E 300’ of N 1380’ of E2NW4, 9.5 acres. PIN: 03-0003-840.

Preliminary Plat for a three lot residential subdivision. Proposed lots to range in size from 8-10 acres. Property located at 1966 and 2044 Liberty Road NE.  Tim Rock, applicant.  Legal description summary as follows: Section 10, Township 128, Range 37; S 333.51’ of N 667.35’ of SE4NE4 and S 333.17’ of N 1000.52’ of SE4NE4, 10 acre parcels each. PIN: 03-1202-480 (2044 Liberty Rd),

03-1202-500 (1966 Liberty Rd).

All interested persons are invited to attend these hearings and be heard or send written comments to the Township office at PO Box 445, Alexandria, MN 56308.  Copies of each application, the Township’s staff report, maps, drawings and other pertinent information are available at the Township office and are posted on-line approximately one week prior to the meeting date at www.hometownplanning.com.

The Alexandria Township Planning Commission will be holding a public meeting to view this and other properties that are on the agenda and to gather information for the public hearing. They will be meeting at the first property onsite in the list below at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 21, 2013, and then proceeding in order to the following propert(ies):

Blue Ox Timber Frames (4941 St Hwy 27E)             12:30 p.m.

Collins Cabinets (7300 – 39th Ave. NE)                     1:00 p.m.

Tim Rock properties (1966 and 2044 Liberty Rd)     1:30 p.m.

Ben Oleson
Zoning Administrator
Alexandria Township