March 14, 2014 Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to Order – 10:00AM


  1. Roll Call


In attendance were:


Applicant’s representative: Dan Paulson


Commission Members: Larry Steidl (chair), Julie Haar, Linda Dokken-McFann, Billie Dropik. Absent: Mary Hacker (arrived after adjournment and viewed property with Zoning Administrator Oleson).


Zoning Administrator: Ben Oleson


  1. Site Visits
    1. Interim Use Permit application to allow a Nursery/Garden Store and related signage in the Rural Residential zoning district. Douglas and Shirley Jacobson, applicants. Property is located at 6101 Alyssa Lane NE, Alexandria, MN. Legal description as follows: Section 2, Twp 128, Range 37, Lot 3, Block 1 of Anderson Acres. AC 4.90. PIN:       03-0013-050.

Chairman Steidl opened the meeting at 10:00 am. Dan Paulson was present, representing the applicants, Mr. and Mrs. Jacobson. No members of the public were in attendance.

Mr. Paulson explained that he and his wife help manage the greenhouse at the current time. The Jacobsons would like to operate the greenhouse for personal enjoyment and partly for the benefit of the Alexandria Opportunities Center (AOC), of which they are connected via their son. They would like to raise plants at the greenhouse and in the outdoor gardens, have persons work at the facility via the AOC, and conduct retail sales activities to the general public.

Paulson was asked if there were any plans to expand the existing buildings or greenhouse facility. He indicated not immediately, but would not want to rule it out. Oleson explained that any such expansion would either need to be asked for now or else it would need to be brought through the Interim Use Permit process at a later date, should the current application be approved.


Paulson was asked about traffic impacts and expectations, with Oleson noting that Mr. Jacobson had previously indicated an estimated 12 vehicles per day at the most. Paulson said that sounded about right and was likely based off of Mr. Jacobson’s previous experience with such facilities. Paulson estimated about 5-6 large (straight) truck deliveries per year, limited to within or very near the growing season.

Paulson was asked about possible impacts on the neighborhood outside of traffic. He noted the noise level should not be significant and that he has not heard of any neighbors who have been opposed or concerned and that some of the neighbors have helped out with the gardens.

Paulson was asked about what facilities there were for bathrooms/sewage treatment. He indicated there is a portable toilet outside and a chemical toilet inside. There is also a “kitchen” sink inside that they use to a very limited degree for washing hands, etc… There is plumbing to the building and in the greenhouse for watering of plants.

Paulson was asked about parking areas and space for turning vehicles around. He indicated they have had discussions about adding more gravel to the end of the existing driveway to allow for vehicles to turn-around so they do not have to back out onto Alyssa Lane.


  1. Adjournment – There being no further discussion or other site visits, the meeting was adjourned at 10:38 am.


Submitted by:

Ben Oleson

Hometown Planning

Alexandria Township Zoning Administrator