July 16, 2013 Meeting Minutes


  1. Call to Order – 12:30 PM


  1. Roll Call


In attendance were Larry Steidl (chair), Julie Haar, Linda Dokken-McFann, Billie Dropik, Ben Oleson (Zoning Administrator).


Rodger and Carol Nelson were present as the applicants (pending property owners). Charles Niska was in attendance representing the current property owners. Bob Brickweig was present as the landscaper for the applicants. No public was in attendance.


  1. Site Visits


Conditional Use Application for the movement of greater than 50 cubic yards of soil and materials in a shore impact zone, to repair previous bluff excavation and address erosion issues, Carol A. Nelson/Niska Trust, applicants.  Property is located at 2716 LeHomme Dieu Heights NE,  Section 4, Township 128, Range 37, PIN: 03-0064-950.

Chairman Steidl opened the meeting at 12:30 pm and asked the applicant to explain the proposal. Brickweig described the intent of the project to complete a project that had been started several years earlier, but never finished. The project would involve placing several retaining walls, installing/repairing steps, repairing/replacing a previously existing boathouse in the hillside and planting appropriate plants and grasses when completed to stabilize the bluff.

A question was raised regarding the equipment to be used. Brickweig noted it would be machinery (i.e. a mini-excavator and/or skid-loader) at the top of the hill and about half way down. On the bottom half, the work would be done by hand.

There was further discussion about the location of the proposed retaining walls, particularly at the top of the bluff where some large tree roots had been exposed.

  1. Adjournment – There being no further discussion or other site visits, the meeting was adjourned at 1:08 pm.


Submitted by:

Ben Oleson

Hometown Planning

Alexandria Township Zoning Administrator