April 26, 2010 Meeting Minutes

A regular meeting/public hearing of the Planning Commission of Alexandria Township was held on the 26th day of April, 2010 at the Alexandria Township Conference Room, 610 Fillmore Street.


Roll Call: Commission members present were John Knowles, Julie Haar, Russ Niskanen, Larry Steidl and Lyle Hammerschmidt. Also present was Bonnie Fulghum, Deputy Clerk, and Ben Oleson, Township Zoning Administrator. As said members formed a quorum and the meeting was called to order by Chairman Knowles at 6:00 p.m.


Agenda: Steidl, seconded by Niskanen, made a motion to approve the agenda as written. Motion carried unanimously.


Minutes: Hammerschmidt, seconded by Steidl, made a motion to approve the minutes of the 3/22/10 meeting as written. Motion carried unanimously.


Public Hearing: Joshua and Renee Sanden submitted a Conditional Use/Preliminary Plat application for consideration, “Sanden Acres”. The applicants are seeking to subdivide their 26.67 acre parcel into three lots, the largest to be a “reserve parcel”. The preliminary plat includes a Rural Reserve Development, which means the largest lot, the “reserve parcel”, is required to be at least 60% of the size of the entire parcel being subdivided. Even though the Rural Reserve Development delineation would allow the applicants to create up to eight (8) lots, which includes the “reserve parcel”, the applicants are proposing a total of three (3) lots.


Zoning Administrator Oleson stated that no stormwater management was required. The applicants provided documentation listing two potential sewer sites/lot. In researching the drainage easement, Oleson concluded that the ditch is private. Discussion ensued regarding the determination of who is responsible for cleaning out the ditch and, potentially the culvert, which runs underneath a township road. Oleson stated that the township attorney said the town could require an easement for cleaning out the ditch.


The public portion was waived since there was no one from the public in attendance.


Motion by Niskanen, seconded by Steidl, to recommend approval of the Sanden Conditional Use and “Sanden Acres” Preliminary Plat application with conditions 1 and 3 listed in the staff report. Roll: Hammerschmidt, Haar, Steidl, Niskanen, Knowles – yes. None opposed. Motion carried unanimously.


Zoning Administrator’s Report: Oleson provided an update on Jack’s Family Recycling Center.


New Business: Oleson distributed material relating to Home Occupations and Home-Based Businesses. This subject was tabled until the next meeting to provide an opportunity for commission members to review the information.


Old Business: Discussion on ordinance amendments was tabled until the next meeting.


Site Visits – The summer site visit schedule, for the months of June, July and August, will be the third Tuesday of the month at 2:30 p.m.


Adjournment: Being no further business Hammerschmidt, seconded by Niskanen, made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.


Respectfully submitted…



Bonnie Fulghum, Deputy Clerk

Approved this ____ day of ___________, 2010


John B. Knowles, Chairman