April 6, 2009 Agenda



                Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors


                                                                                                                                                                                                         6:00 PM


Call to Order              Clerk Raisanen

Appoint Chairman

Appoint Vice-Chairman

Approve agenda


Approval of Minutes: 3/16/09- Regular Board Meeting

Payment of Bills: $ Claims 9082-9102 in the amount $ 32,728.69, payroll $ 4,382.14, total $ 37,110.83

Transfer of Funds: $ 0

Citizen Concerns:

Planning and Zoning-

  1. Dennis Conn- Request for extension on land use permits
  2. Wayne Virkus-vacation of right of way

Engineer’s Report

  1. Flood damage estimate
  2. Gravel Quotes

New Business:

  1. Summer Road Maintenance Contract
  2. Park Maintenance
  3. Board Appointments- LAR, AAEDC, Planning and Zoning, Roads, Lakes Regional Planning Agency, Water Planning Task Force, Park Inspection, Transportation Committee
  4. Deputy Clerk Appointment
  5. Reorganization
    1. Per diem rate
    2. Inspection rate
    3. Incidental labor rate
    4. Administrative Assistant Salary
    5. Treasurer’s Salary
    6. Clerk’s Salary
    7. Mileage rate
    8. Official newspaper for notices
    9. Depositor of funds
    10. Township Attorney
    11. Weed Inspectors
  6. Charitable gambling permit


Dates to Remember:

            Apr. 9- Board of Review- 9:00 am

Apr. 20- Regular Board meeting

Apr. 22- Planning Commission meeting

May 4- Regular Board Meeting

May 18- Regular Board Meeting