August 5, 2013 Meeting Minutes

Alexandria Township

Alexandria, Minnesota 56308

Minutes of the meeting of August 5, 2013


A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Alexandria Township was held on the 5th day of August, 2013 at the Alexandria Township Conference Room, 610 Fillmore Street.


ROLL CALL: Supervisors present were Bryon Alstead, Jul Feuling, Lyle Hammerschmidt, Joel Dahlheimer and Russell Niskanen. Also present were Gregg Raisanen, Clerk, and Mona Billmark, Treasurer. As said members formed a quorum and the meeting was called to order by Chairman Alstead at 6:00 p.m.


Feuling, seconded by Dahlheimer, made a motion to adopt the agenda with the addition of N. Lake Jessie Road speed zones under Citizens Concerns and ditch maintenance under New Business. Motion carried unanimously.


Hammerschmidt, seconded by Feuling, made a motion to approve the minutes of the 07/15/2013 regular board meeting as written. Motion carried unanimously.


Dahlheimer, seconded by Niskanen, made a motion to authorize payment of claims 13159 – 13177 in the amount of $69,840.08, net payroll of $3,748.94, totaling $73,589.02 with a transfer from savings in the amount of $67,000.00. Motion carried unanimously.


CITIZEN’S CONCERNS: Neewana Beach Property. Clerk Raisanen provided historical information on this property. He stated when Neewana Beach Road was initially blacktopped in the 1990s, the landowner petitioned the township, stating the lot was unbuildable. His property, therefore, was excluded from the blacktop assessment. To assist in alleviating drainage issues for surrounding properties, the town board obtained an easement from three property owners and installed a drainage pipe. This was prior to the property’s falling into tax forfeiture and being sold. In 2006 the property went into tax forfeiture and the county auctioned off the property. Due to its status as a tax forfeiture, the property was sold on an “as is” basis. The new owner has inquired as to putting a building on that property. The landowner has not yet formally applied for a building permit. He is at the informational stage ascertaining what the township requires in order to evaluate if his project is feasible. The township engineer stated there would be a small increase in a 10 and 100 year flood event but the amount would be negligible. It would appear that if the landowner made application, property setbacks would be difficult to be met unless the drainage pipe is relocated. In addition, setback from the existing wetland may require a variance.

Bernie Wyffels, 1206 Moorstone Drive, remarked that he had spoken with Douglas County Soil & Water personnel. They indicated a structure can’t be built within 3‘ of the high water mark.


Barbara Thompson, 4015 Neewana Beach Road, said she received a letter from the landowner stating his intention of installing a holding pond by her driveway.


Supervisor Feuling inquired as to the township’s legal stance. Chairman Alstead asked the board if they would be in favor of altering or moving the drainage easement. Supervisor Feuling stipulated that if the board was to decide the existing drainage easement is not to be moved, further research will be necessitated and findings of fact provided. Consensus the board is not in favor of moving the drainage easement. Since the applicant has not yet formally applied for a building permit, no further action is deemed necessary.


Jeff Cross, 4609 N. Lake Jessie Road, inquired how traffic speed can be reduced on this road.

Clerk Raisanen provided a handout from MNDot relating to speed limits and signage.  An advisory sign could be installed, but the long-term effects are negligible and the speed limit is not enforceable. He also said that a speed limit study could be done, but it would most certainly come back as a 55 mph road. Wayne Fridgen, 4610 N. Lake Jessie Road, also encouraged the town to install signage citing safety issues. Niskanen, seconded by Dahlheimer, made a motion to authorize the installation of advisory signs for both ends of North Lake Jessie Road, size and wording determinate on the township engineer’s recommendation. Motion carried unanimously.


PLANNING AND ZONING: Zoning Administrator Oleson stated that Karen Dokter, Shadow Lane, has requested to build a deck onto her house; however, total impervious surfacing currently exceeds 25%. This was completed prior to the township’s administration of zoning which began in 2007. The applicant is seeking to build two open decks which will go over existing impervious landscaping; therefore, creating no increase in impervious coverage. To get under the 25% impervious limit, one option would be to have the landowner remove a portion of the landscaping. Supervisor Feuling asked what was meant by fabric underlayment. The contractor, Dave Petersen, explained there is both woven fabric and plastic underlayment under the landscaping; both are considered impervious. Chairman Alstead stated that if the amount of impervious coverage won’t increase, he sees no problem in allowing the application. The board was in consensus to allow the application to proceed and to consider the existing over-impervious coverage as “grandfathered in” so long as no expansion occurs and there be no issue with neighboring properties.


Conditional Use Application. Zoning Administrator Oleson presented a conditional use application by Carol Nelson and the Niska Trust for the movement of greater than ten (10) cubic yards of soil and materials in a shore and bluff impact zone, to repair previous bluff excavation and address erosion issues. He stated that the process had begun years ago but was halted due to a death in the Niska family. The planning commission’s recommendation is to approve the application with the conditions as outlined in the staff report. Note that condition no. 3 does not allow for expansion. Niskanen, seconded by Hammerschmidt, made a motion to approve the Nelson/Niska Trust conditional use application with the four conditions as outlined in the staff report. Roll: Niskanen – yes, Hammerschmidt – yes, Feuling – yes, Dahlheimer – yes, Alstead – yes. Opposed: none. Motion carried unanimously.


Jack’s Family Recycling Center Update. Oleson met with the MPCA and Dave Rush, Director of Douglas County Land & Resource Management. He reported JFRC is not in compliance with the MPCA’s requirements and/or timelines. Dave Rush stated that JFRC has not been licensed as a waste hauler through the county.


Sign Ordinance. The planning commission has a draft sign ordinance ready for public hearing which will be conducted either in August or September. A public hearing for small animals (separate from domestic animals) will be held at that time also. A comment was made to insert a line about the fencing of animals.


Peacocks. Oleson reported we received a complaint about peacocks roaming and becoming a nuisance on Maple Drive. A violation letter was sent.


ENGINEER’S REPORT: Blacktop Bids. Engineer Kuhn reported we received two bids, one from Central Specialties for $209,508 and the other from Mark Lee Construction for $226,575. This represents 63/ton for Central Specialties and 65/ton for Mark Lee. Engineer Kuhn stated the project would include two areas: CSAH 23 to the cul de sac on Victoria Road and the northern portion of E. Lake Geneva Road from Neewana Beach Road to CSAH 73. He noted this does not include Lois Lane or a portion of Shadow Lane. Kuhn said if the town wanted to add Shadow and Lois Lanes to the project, a change order for approximately $30,000 would be needed. Niskanen, seconded by Dahlheimer, made a motion to accept the bid by Central Specialties in the amount of $209,508 to overlay the portions of road listed above. Motion carried unanimously.


CR85. Clerk Raisanen reported he met with Supervisors Niskanen and Dahlheimer to discuss a proposal for the turn back of CR 85 from the county to the township. The proposal would include a dollar amount comprising two years of road maintenance. Consensus to have the clerk contact the county and request a proposal on the turn back.


50th Avenue. Engineer Kuhn reported that Mark Lee Construction has been using the magnet to pick up the metal(s) churned up by our road maintainer’s blading of the road. He stated that Mark Lee Construction hauled in 5,761 ton of gravel @ a unit price of $7.50/ton for a total of $43,207.50. Kuhn recommended retaining 5% of the payment until fall freeze-up. Motion by Feuling, seconded by Hammerschmidt, to withhold 5% of the payment to Mark Lee Construction until October 2013. Motion carried unanimously.


Sioux Lane. Engineer Kuhn reported he received a complaint from a resident on Sioux Lane regarding water retention in the ditch. Kuhn’s recommendation is to not pursue the issue since the level of the water is not excessive. Supervisor Dahlheimer to relay the board’s decision to the resident.



NEW BUSINESS: DITCH MAINTENANCE. Supervisor Hammerschmidt asked if homeowners should be required to maintain the ditches. Clerk Raisanen responded that since the township is urban in nature the township, rather than the homeowners, maintain the ditches.


Being no further business, Feuling, seconded by Hammerschmidt, made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m.


Respectfully submitted….




Gregg Raisanen, Clerk


Approved this ____ day of ________, 2013




Bryon Alstead, Chairman