August 7, 2006 Agenda




                Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors


                                                                                                                                                                                                         7:30 PM


Call to Order                                                                                                                                                     Chairman Thalman


Approve agenda



Approval of Minutes: 7/17/06- Regular Board Meeting


Payment of Bills: Claims No. 6228-6246 in the amount $ 32,183.74 and net payroll of 3,253.22

for a total of $35,436.98

Transfer of Funds: $            15,000.00


Citizen Concerns:

Engineer’s Report

  1. Retention Pond- Wildflower


Old Business:



New Business:

  1. Blacktop Petition- Southside Drive
  2. Township Planning and Zoning
  3. DC Planning and Zoning
  4. Election Judges- Primary






Dates to Remember:

            Aug. 21- Regular Board Meeting

Aug. 28- Planning Commission Meeting

Aug. 31- ALASD Public Hearing- 7:00 pm Discovery School

Sept. 6- Regular Board Meeting- Note Weds

Sept. 12- Primary Election 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Sept. 18- Regular Board Meeting.