February 1, 2021 minutes

Alexandria Township

Alexandria, Minnesota 56308

Minutes of the meeting of February 1, 2021

A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Alexandria Township was held on the 1st day of February, 2021 at the Alexandria Township Conference Room, 324 Broadway and via teleconference.

ROLL CALL:  Supervisors onsite were Joel Dahlheimer, Rod Eldevik, Dennis Butz, Jerry Wright and Gregg Raisanen, Clerk, with Mona Billmark, Treasurer, attending virtually.  As said members formed a quorum and the meeting was called to order by Chairman Eldevik at 6:00 p.m.

Butz, seconded by Wright, made a motion to adopt the agenda with the addition of election judge appointments, annual meeting and community ed under New Business.  Motion carried unanimously.

Dahlheimer, seconded by Butz, made a motion to approve the minutes of the 01/20/21 regular board meeting as written.  Motion carried unanimously.

Dahlheimer, seconded by Butz, made a motion to authorize payment of claims 21022 – 21030 in the amount of $13,323.93, net payroll $3,706.33 totaling $17,030.26 with a transfer of funds from savings of $17,000.00.  Motion carried unanimously.


PLANNING AND ZONING:  Zoning Administrator Oleson reported that Robert Griffith applied for a conditional use permit for the movement of more than ten (10) cubic yards of material on a steep slope or within a shore or bluff impact zone and for the construction of a retaining wall exceeding three (3) feet in height.  The planning commission recommended approval with two conditions.  In short, the applicant’s proposal is to install a new in-ground stairway, rock alongside the stairway for water management, two retaining walls, a sand beach area, rip rap along the shoreline where it doesn’t already exist and to remove an existing patio near the lake and re-grade that area to match the surrounding land.

Chairman Eldevik asked if their plans would improve drainage.  The applicant responded affirmatively.  Eldevik also asked if anything had changed since their presentation to the planning commission.  They said no.

Supervisor Wright asked if this proposal, if approved, would be precedent-setting.  Oleson stated that adjacent lots have retaining walls also.

Dahlheimer, seconded by Wright, made a motion to approve the conditional use application submitted by Robert Griffith with the two conditions outlined in the board report regarding erosion and sedimentation control measures and a permanent stormwater management plan.  Motion carried unanimously.

Oleson reported that Garry Kjos had contacted the town regarding an expansion to his deck.  The area was developed in 1999 and thus subject to the regulations at that time. According to current regulations, however, the expansion would appear to put the planned unit development his property is part of over the impervious limit.  Oleson stated there are two options:  1) the town could require the homeowner’s association to have survey work done to determine the impervious calculations; or 2) based on Oleson’s estimates of impervious coverage in each tier, it would appear that any additional impervious on the lake side of the lake homes and on the golf course side of the golf course homes would fit within the limits, but that those on the road side of the homes would not be permissible without additional survey work to prove otherwise. Under this option, the Kjos application could be approved.

Wright, seconded by Dahlheimer, made a motion to use the second option for addressing the Kjos application and future applications in this particular planned unit development. Motion approved unanimously.

Oleson reported that the planning commission, along with supervisors Eldevik and Oberg, discussed shouse regulations at the last planning commission meeting.  Consensus was to have Oleson draft guidelines for the regulation of shouse buildings for the next meeting.

Oleson reported that the town had originally scheduled a contractor to remove items from Billie Dropik’s homestead on February 2nd if compliance had not been met.  Oleson reported that he had viewed the area from the road and said that a substantial number of vehicles had been removed.  Consensus to have Oleson and Attorney Johnson meet onsite at 9:30 a.m. on 2/2/21 to determine the extent of vehicles yet to be removed and if there would still be a need for the contractor to proceed with removal of items.



NEW BUSINESS:  Clerk Raisanen provided a copy of the 2022 budget for review.  He stated that the town board will need to bring forward a proposed levy to the residents at the annual meeting.  Action on the proposed budget tabled until the next meeting.

Clerk Raisanen provided a copy of the township’s preparedness plan for review.  He stated that the plan serves as a guideline for how the township plans to operate during the COVID crisis.  He mentioned that in researching the Family Medical Leave Act, the town could change the plan to reflect approving a 14-day COVID leave if an employee were to become ill and/or exposed to the virus.  Dahlheimer, seconded by Butz, made a motion to approve an additional 14 day COVID-19 leave to the plan.  Motion carried unanimously.

Clerk Raisanen commented that Gardonville had secured a B2B grant which will service  households and businesses in the Hazel Hill area.

Clerk Raisanen reported that Mary Hacker resigned her commission on the planning commission effective January 1, 2021.  The town needs to appoint someone to fill this vacancy,  term expiring March 2022.  Chairman Eldevik stated the planning commission provided two names for consideration.  Consensus to have Eldevik contact the individuals and report back to the board at the next meeting.

Clerk Raisanen reported the town needs to appoint judges for the upcoming township election.  His recommendations are Darlene O’Brien, Barb Sather and Mona Billmark, and appointing Darlene O”Brien as the head judge.  Wright, seconded by Butz, made a motion to appoint the recommended individuals as election judges.  Motion carried unanimously.

Clerk Raisanen reported MAT has recommended that the annual meeting this year be virtual due to the pandemic.  The election would be face to face, with the polls being open from 12:00 – 8:00 p.m. with the annual meeting following on a virtual platform.  Consensus to adopt MAT’s recommendation to have the annual meeting be virtual and to have the clerk post all relevant information on the website and in the Echo.

Clerk Raisanen reported the town had received a letter from Lynn Jenc with Community Education asking for monetary support for various programs.  Consensus to have the clerk invite Ms. Jenc to the next meeting.

Being no further business, Dahlheimer, seconded by Wright, made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Meeting adjourned at 7:06 p.m.

Respectfully submitted….


Gregg Raisanen, Clerk

Approved this ____ day of ________, 2021


Rod Eldevik, Chairman