February 17, 2010 Meeting Minutes

Alexandria Township

Alexandria, Minnesota 56308

Minutes of a public hearing held on 2-17-2010

South Side Drive Blacktop Project


A public hearing of the Board of Supervisors of Alexandria Township was held on the 17th Day of February 2010 at the Alexandria Township Conference Room, 610 Fillmore Street. The purpose of the meeting and hearing was to discuss the proposed improvement of South Side Drive with bituminous surfacing.


ROLL CALL: Supervisors present were Bryon Alstead, Louis Ross, Joel Dahlheimer, Julie Feuling, and Roger Thalman. Also present were Clerk Gregg Raisanen and Attorney Julie Haseman. As said members formed a quorum and the hearing was opened by Chairman Thalman at 7:00 PM.


Attorney Haseman reviewed the procedure, rules and purpose of the public hearing. The hearing was to gather public input regarding the proposed project.


Engineer Kuhn explained that the proposed project would surface approximately 1500 linear feet of road. The proposed project would not involve much grading work with the exception of possible minor ditch improvements to improve drainage and installation of additional Class 5. Estimated project cost would be approximately $120,000.00 including legal and engineering costs. There are 19 parcels abutting the roadway, which would result in an estimated assessment cost of approximately $4,000.00/parcel if the project costs coincide with the engineer’s estimate. Previous projects have been bid significantly less than the engineer’s estimate, which could reduce the assessment to $2,800.00/parcel.


Timothy Ash asked how close previous bids have been to engineer’s estimates. Engineer Kuhn reported that we have previously received bids 25% lower than engineer’s estimates.


Mary Giroux inquired into how long the project would take. Engineer Kuhn estimated the length to be two weeks. The Queens Road project took longer because the road was reconstructed one year, new sewer lines were also installed and it was blacktopped the following year.


Another resident inquired why the estimated cost has increased compared to five years ago. Engineer Kuhn explained that paving costs have increased due to the cost of oil.


Andy Haggerty inquired about culvert work and to its location. Engineer Kuhn indicated that a couple of driveway culverts would be impacted. Mr. Haggerty indicated that some properties on the north side in the spring have water. Engineer Kuhn indicated that he would examine the culvert across S. Lake Jessie Road.


Attorney Haseman reviewed the procedure that is followed for assessment projects.


Clerk Raisanen reported that he had not received any letters regarding the project.


Carl Le Grand inquired into how the project is bid. Engineer Kuhn discussed the bidding process.


A resident asked what would happen if the bids came in 25% higher. Chairman Thalman reported that the board has the authority to reject bids. Clerk Raisanen also indicated that the board in previous projects has authorized paying additional costs and held the residents harmless to ensure that the project was completed as proposed.

Melody Faber presented a petition signed by 11 landowners opposing the project. Attorney Haseman read the petition. Six of the individuals that signed the petition were present at the meeting.


Andy Haggerty inquired if it would take 3 or 4 more years to complete this project if the project is rejected now. He also inquired what the annual cost would be per landowner. It was explained that it would be approximately $800.00/year.


A resident asked about the feasibility of annexation by the city. It was explained that the current annexation agreement signed with the city would not allow it.


Chairman Thalman indicated that it appears that the majority is opposed to the project.


Andy Haggerty indicated that this appears to be an opportunity to improve the road.


Attorney Haseman inquired if this project could be combined with another project. Engineer Kuhn reported that this could be considered and may be cheaper.


The public hearing was closed at 7:40PM.





Respectfully Submitted…..                                  Approved this ______day of _________, 2010





________________________                                                            __________________________

Gregg Raisanen, Clerk                                                                         Roger Thalman, Chairman