January 21, 2009 Agenda




                Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors


                                                                                                                                                                                                         6:00 PM


Call to Order     Chairman Thalman


Approve agenda



Approval of Minutes:   01/05/2009 regular board minutes


Payment of Bills: Claims 9021-9034 in the amount of $ 8,800.93, net payroll $ 729.56, total of $ 9,530.49

Transfer of Funds:   $ 0


Citizen Concerns:


Planning and Zoning-

  1. Outlot A- Lake Jessie Meadows
  2. Douglas County Pictometry


Engineer’s Report

  1. Engineers items of business

Old Business:


New Business:




Dates to Remember:


Jan 26- AAEDC annual meeting- ATC 5:00 PM

Jan. 26 Planning Commission

Feb. 2- Regular Board meeting

Feb. 19- Regular Board meeting- Note Weds.