Alexandria Township
Alexandria, Minnesota 56308
Minutes of the meeting of 6-20-2005
A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Alexandria Township was held on the 20th day of June 2005.
ROLL CALL: Supervisors present were Louis Ross, Jim Casper, T. Michael Thompson, Joel Dahlheimer, and Roger Thalman. Also present were Gregg Raisanen, Clerk and Mona Billmark, Treasurer. As said members formed a quorum and the meeting was called to order by Chairman Thalman at 7:30 PM.
Casper, seconded by Thompson, made a motion to adopt the agenda with the addition of reading a letter drafted by City Attorney Lervick. Motion carried unanimously.
Thompson, seconded by Casper, made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 6, 2005 regular board meeting with an address correction. Motion carried unanimously.
Casper, seconded by Thompson, made a motion to authorize payment of the bills in the amount of $5,020.58 and to authorize the transfer of $5,000.00 from the savings into the checking account. Motion carried unanimously.
CITIZEN’S CONCERNS: Residents from the Deerwood Drive/Scenic Heights intersection were present to request the changing of the intersection from a two-way controlled to a four-way controlled intersection. John Widmark indicated that there has been an increase in traffic along the route and requested the installation of additional stop signs. Janelle Lundin and Sharon Karvonen expressed concern about the speed of vehicle traffic and also requested the installation of additional stop signs. Chairman Thalman reported that this intersection is part in the township and part in the City limits. Any changes would require consultation with the City. Engineer Kuhn recommended that a study be done to determine if the traffic warrants the requested change. The Board directed Engineer Kuhn to contact the City and to have Clerk Raisanen contact the Sheriff’s department for additional enforcement of the speed limit.
A resident from Sioux Lane requested that the township correct the ditch in front of his residence along Sioux Lane. He indicated that the reconstructed ditch is too steep to maintain and it holds water after a rain event. The Board directed Engineer Kuhn to determine if the ditch was constructed to specifications and to determine what could be done to correct the problem.
Tim Ruud, 3321 SE Lake Victoria Drive, was present to discuss the proposed drainage work under his driveway. He indicated that he would be doing additional construction in the future, which may cause some damage to the concrete on his driveway. The culvert under his driveway has been cleaned and if a larger culvert is warranted, it could be done after his construction project was completed.
ENGINEER’S REPORT: Clerk Raisanen presented the Board two quotes for street lighting in the Broken Arrow area. Rudy’s Electric quoted $4,500.00 for wood poles and $7,000.00 for fiberglass poles. Alexandria Electric quoted $7,245.00 for wood poles and $10,576.00 for fiberglass poles. Engineer Kuhn requested that additional conversations be done with residents located along Pawnee West prior to authorization of the work.
Clerk Raisanen reported that he had spoken to the resident along Brigitta Drive who had light posts installed in the road right-of-way. He will attend the next meeting.
Engineer Kuhn presented two quotes for the installation of a drain line along Apache Lane into the storm sewer. J&J Excavating quoted $748.60 and Zacher Excavating quoted $747.00. Dahlheimer, seconded by Thompson, made a motion to authorize Zacher Excavating to complete the drainage work along Apache Lane. Motion carried unanimously.
Supervisor Dahlheimer reported that at the development review team meeting, a PUD is being proposed along Neewana Beach road on a lot that the Township has considered un-buildable because of the location of a wetland.
OLD BUSINESS: Clerk Raisanen reported that he had received four proposals for drafting the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Clerk Raisanen presented three proposals for the zoning administrator position. The board reviewed the three proposals and directed Clerk Raisanen to contact Marilyn Bayerl, Bayerl Water Resources and Ben Oleson, Community Growth Institute, to a special Board meeting to discuss their proposals. A special Board meeting was scheduled for June 27, 2005, at 7:30 PM to review zoning administrator proposals and to review the comprehensive land use proposals.
NEW BUSINESS: Chairman Thalman read a letter from City Attorney Lervick recommending that elected public officials not promise anything when meeting with constituents but recommended that discussion of issues occur at public meetings.
Being no further business Ross, seconded by Thompson, made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM.
Respectfully Submitted…..
Gregg Raisanen, Clerk
Approved this _____ day of _________, 2005
Roger Thalman, Chairman