June 6, 2016 Agenda


Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors
6:00 PM

Call to Order Chair Feuling

Approve agenda

Approval of Minutes: 05/16/16 regular board minutes
Payment of Bills: Claims 16095-16106 in the amount of $22,971.72, Net Payroll $2,985.47, totaling $25,957.19
Transfer of Funds: $ 20,000.00

Citizen Concerns:

Planning and Zoning-
1. Ebel Update
2. Zoning Administrator items of business

Engineer’s Report
1. Engineers items of business
2. Ditch clean-up – procedures draft

Old Business:
1. Zunker photos

New Business:
1. Calcium Chloride quote
2. I-94 Project Stakeholder meeting


Dates to Remember:

June 20- Regular Board meeting
June 27- Planning Commission
July 6 – Regular Board meeting (note Wed.)
July 18 – Regular Board meeting