Alexandria Township
Alexandria, Minnesota 56308
Minutes of the meeting of 3-06-2006
A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Alexandria Township was held on the 6th Day of March 2006.
ROLL CALL: Supervisors present were, Joel Dahlheimer, Louis Ross, Jim Casper, and Roger Thalman. Also present were Gregg Raisanen, Clerk and Mona Billmark, Treasurer. As said members formed a quorum and the meeting was called to order by Chairman Thalman at 7:30 PM.
Dahlheimer, seconded by Casper, made a motion to adopt the agenda with the addition of Boulder Manor under new business. Motion carried unanimously.
Ross, seconded by Dahlheimer, made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 22, 2006 regular board meeting as written. Motion carried. Supervisor Casper abstained.
Dahlheimer, seconded by Ross, made a motion to authorize payment of the bills in the amount of $17,321.17. Motion carried unanimously.
CITIZEN’S CONCERNS: Jerry and Lynn Dahlheimer requested support of the town board for the installation of a wind turbine on their property located on CR 17. Mr. Dahlheimer presented information regarding the wind turbine. Installation would require a condition use permit from the county because of its 52 ft. height. The board was in support of their plan; however, they will wait for staff reports from Douglas County prior to making a final decision regarding the turbine.
Clerk Raisanen reported that he had received a call regarding the status of sanitary sewer installation for Nature’s Edge subdivision. A public informational meeting will be held on Monday, March 13, 2006 at ALASD to discuss the status and the future of the project. Chairman Thalman reported that preliminary assessment amount per parcel is estimated at $19,400.
ENGINEER’S REPORT: Engineer Kuhn reported that the developer of Little Norway- 3rd addition is considering changing the road design from rural to urban. He indicated that this change should not change drainage calculation significantly. The board expressed no concern with this change as long as the drainage for the area was taken care of.
NEW BUSINESS: Ben Oleson, CGI, was present and provided the board a map of future land use from the draft comprehensive land use plan. Included in the plan would be an area designated as transitional residential which would require approval by the county since this is less restrictive than rural residential. The board discussed communication regarding the draft plan. The board was in consensus to send post cards directing interested individuals to view the plan on the web site and to put a notice in the Echo Press inviting the public to attend the annual town meeting where the plan will be discussed and maps will be displayed.
The board discussed the summer road maintenance contract. Clerk Raisanen reported that Wayne Johnson, Chris Mitchell Accounting, in the financial audit report recommended that the board use the competitive bid process instead of the RFP process for contracting for road maintenance services. Clerk Raisanen reported that he had contacted Mr. Dave Kenney from the State Auditor’s office to discuss the need for bids or if this contract could be awarded using a RFP process since it is a service contract. After discussing the issue with him, he indicated that he would contact the Attorney Generals Office and return a call by the end of the week. Clerk Raisanen reported that he had contacted the Attorney General Office, the MAT attorneys and attorney Haseman in the fall of 2004 and received mixed opinions regarding this issue. After future discussion, Dahlheimer, seconded by Casper, made a motion to authorize Clerk Raisanen to advertise for RFP for summer road maintenance services. Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Thalman reported that Joint Zoning Board recommended approval of the Boulder Manor Plat located within the orderly annexation area provided the town board authorize the City of Alexandria to install public water to the area. Casper, seconded by Dahlheimer, made a motion to authorize the City of Alexandria to install public water lines into the plat of Boulder Manor located with the orderly annexation area. Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Thalman also reported that the Joint Zoning Board also took action on a billboard ordinance to restrict the size and location of future billboards in the orderly annexation area.
Chairman Thalman recessed the regular board meeting and reconvened the Board of Audit meeting from February 22, 2006 at 8:50 PM. The board reviewed the audit report and financial statements provided by Chris Mitchell Accounting. Total revenues for the year were $884,760 and total expenses were $829,925. Beginning fund balanced at the beginning of the year were $286,702 and at the end of the year were $341,537, an increase of $54,835. Ross, seconded by Casper, made a motion to accept the financial audit as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
The board of audit meeting was closed and the regular board meeting was reconvened at 9:00 PM.
The board reviewed the budget that was prepared by the budget committee. Total proposed budgeted expenses for 2007 are $948,922 compared to $971,998 in 2006, a decrease of 2.4%. Proposed 2006 levy, payable in 2007 would be $812,371 compared to a 2005 levy of $846,245, a decrease of 4.0%. Ross, seconded by Casper, made a motion to forward the following levy amount to the citizens at the 2006 annual meeting: General Revenue- $152,822, Road and Bridge- $180,525, Blacktop-$175,520, Snow and Weed- $50,847, ALASD- 119,035, Parks and Recreation- $34,000, and Fire Protection- $99,622 for a total of $812,371. Motion carried unanimously.
Being no further business Ross, seconded by Casper, made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM.
Respectfully Submitted…..
Gregg Raisanen, Clerk
Approved this _____ day of _________, 2006
Roger Thalman, Chairman