March 10, 2023 special town board meeting minutes

Alexandria Township

Alexandria, Minnesota 56308

Minutes of the meeting of March 10, 2023

A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Alexandria Township was held on the 10th day of March, 2023 at the Alexandria Township Conference Room, 324 Broadway. The special meeting was called to approve the final plat for the 12th Addition to Lake Geneva Estates that was tabled at the last meeting and to approve the financial reports that were completed by the township auditor.

ROLL CALL:  Supervisors present were Jeff Oberg, Jerry Wright, and Joel Dahlheimer. Also present was Gregg Raisanen, Clerk. As said members formed a quorum and the meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Dahlheimer at 10:30 AM.

The board discussed the final plat application for the 12th Addition to Lake Geneva Estates that was previously tabled.  Clerk Raisanen reported the developer had met all the conditions of the preliminary plat.  Oberg, seconded by Wright, made a motion to approve the final plat for 12th Addition to Lake Geneva Estates as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Clerk Raisanen provided copies of the draft financial statements that were completed by Carlson-Highland as part of the 2022 audit.  Total revenue for the township was $1,213,457 and expenditures of $1,195,715.  The Total fund balance at the end of 2022 was $1,638,876 compared to an ended fund balance at the end of 2021 of $1,621,134.  Total net position of the township was $2,925,589.  Wright, seconded by Oberg, made a motion to approve the draft financial statements as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Being no further business, Oberg, seconded by Wright, made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Meeting adjourned at 10:45 AM.

Respectfully submitted….


Gregg Raisanen, Clerk

Approved this ____ day of ________, 2023


Joel Dahlheimer, Vice-Chairman