May 20, 2024 minutes

Alexandria Township

Alexandria, Minnesota 56308

Minutes of the meeting of May 20, 2024

A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Alexandria Township was held on the 20th day of May, 2024 at the Alexandria Township Conference Room, 324 Broadway and via teleconference.

ROLL CALL:  Supervisors present were Rod Eldevik, Jeff Oberg, and Dennis Butz.  Also present were Mark Meuwissen, Clerk and Mona Billmark, Treasurer.  Said members formed a quorum and the meeting was called to order by Chairman Eldevik at 6:00 p.m.

The agenda was modified to include the approval of election judges for the upcoming primary election.  Oberg, seconded by Butz, made a motion to adopt the agenda.  Motion carried unanimously.

Supervisor Joel Dahlheimer joined the meeting.

Oberg, seconded by Butz, made a motion to approve the minutes of the 5/6/24 regular board meeting and the 4/11/24 Board of Appeals minutes as written.  Motion carried unanimously.

Dahlheimer, seconded by Butz, made a motion to authorize payment of claims 24109-24115 in the amount of $5,941.04, EFTPS of $2,071.84 and net payroll of $2,002.46 totaling $10,015.34 with a transfer of funds from savings of $5,000.


PLANNING AND ZONING:  It was noted Terry Fish had withdrawn his request for an interim use permit.

Oleson reported the property on Airway Lane formerly owned by Brock Wood has transferred to a new owner and that the owner is building a dwelling on it.  Oleson was instructed to continue working with the homeowner and builder to implement the drainage plan.

Oleson stated the property on Co Rd 82 SE continues to be in violation of the outdoor storage ordinance.  Oleson has been in contact with the owner and did not believe any meaningful improvements were made in response.  Motion by Wright, seconded by Oberg, that Oleson send a letter requiring compliance by August 1, 2024.  Motion passed unanimously.

Oleson relayed to the Board that Scott Gilbertson, Executive Director for ALASD, inquired whether parcel 03-1931-500 would meet all zoning and other requirements for construction of a single dwelling home and if such new construction would be required to connect to any nearby sewer.  Dahlheimer questioned whether any nearby sewer was close enough to the parcel to reasonably require hookup.  More information was requested.  No further action was taken.

No other Planning and Zoning items.

ENGINEER’S REPORT: Item 1: Engineer Jeff Kuhn updated the Board on the bidding process for summer road improvements.   He did not have specific wording for the bid requirements but noted they included a request to quote West Lake Jessie Drive, Queens Road, and Maple Drive SE as a group and each road separately.  Motion by Dahlheimer, seconded by Butz, that the Township Engineer put out the request for bids.  Motion passed unanimously.

Item 2: Kuhn gave an update on the quote to line the culvert under Crestwood Drive.  The quote came in at $25,070.  Kuhn stated he attempted to get quotes from other companies and made multiple attempts to get a quote from a previously utilized company.  These companies were not willing to provide a quote and were not interested in doing the project. As a result, Engineer Kuhn was able to obtain only one quote.  Motion by Dahlheimer, seconded by Butz, to proceed with the repair at the quoted price.  Motion passed unanimously.

Item 3:  Kuhn suggested the Township seek quotes on the cost of gravel used to maintain roads over the summer.  Motion by Dahlheimer, seconded by Butz, to authorize Kuhn to seek quotes on the cost for gravel. Motion passed unanimously.

No other Engineer items.

NEW BUSINESS:  Item 1: Tim Erickson, County Engineer, was present to explain how the exchange of ownership of certain roads in Carlos Township impacts Alexandria Township.   Mr. Erickson proposed that Alexandria Township take ownership of a small portion of CR 120 (39th Ave) from Crestwood Drive to Highway 29 North.  In exchange, the County would provide a lump sum payment in the amount of $5,500 which represents an estimate of the cost to maintain this portion of road for two full years.  Motion by Dahlheimer, seconded by Oberg, that the township agree to take ownership of the section of road proposed.   Roll call vote:  Dahlheimer, Butz, Oberg, Eldevik – yes. Opposed: none. Motion carried unanimously.

Item 2: The City of Nelson expressed their desire to annex approximately 60 acres of land from Alexandria Township.  The 60 acres in question abuts the City of Nelson and is commonly referred to as the former Dropik farm site.  Consensus by the Township Board to oppose the annexation and, if necessary, take legal action.   Motion by Dahlheimer, seconded by Oberg, to request the Township Attorney to research and provide possible legal action to prevent the annexation.   Motion carried unanimously.

Item 3: Treasurer Billmark provided a list of election judges that have agreed to serve during the primary on August 18, 2024.  Billmark noted this list was insufficient to cover any unexpected absence by even one of the election judges.   Motion by Oberg, seconded by Joel, to approve the listed election judges and to further approve recruiting additional judges to serve as backups and provide relief as needed.   Motion carried unanimously.

There being no further business, Chairman Eldevik adjourned the meeting at 6:45 PM

Respectfully submitted….


Mark Meuwissen, Clerk

Approved this ____ day of ________, 2024


Rod Eldevik, Chairman