May 3, 2010 Agenda



                Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors


                                                                                                                                                                                                         6:00 PM


Call to Order      Chairman Thalman


Approve agenda



Approval of Minutes: 4/19/2010 regular board minutes


Payment of Bills: Claims 10116-10130 in the amount of $ 38,258.63, net payroll of $4,345.47, total $ 42,604.10

Transfer of Funds:   $ 42,000.00


Citizen Concerns:


Planning and Zoning-

  1. Zoning Administrator items of business


Engineer’s Report

  1. Crack Filing
  2. Gravel Quotes
  3. Engineers items of business


Old Business:

New Business:

  1. David Kjos -AAEDC





Dates to Remember:


May 17- Regular Board meeting

May 24- Planning Commission meeting

June 7- Regular Board meeting

June 21- Regular Board meeting