November 1, 2010 Meeting Minutes

Alexandria Township

Alexandria, Minnesota 56308

Minutes of the meeting of November 1, 2010


A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Alexandria Township was held on the 1st day of November, 2010 at the Alexandria Township Conference Room, 610 Fillmore Street.


ROLL CALL: Supervisors present were Bryon Alstead, Louis Ross, Jul Feuling and Roger Thalman. Also present were Gregg Raisanen, Clerk, and Mona Billmark, Treasurer. As said members formed a quorum and the meeting was called to order by Chairman Thalman at 6:00 p.m.


Ross, seconded by Alstead, made a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.


Alstead, seconded by Ross, made a motion to approve the minutes of the 10/18/2010 regular board meeting as written. Motion carried, with Feuling abstaining.


Feuling, seconded by Ross, made a motion to authorize payment of claims 10282-10299 in the amount of $56,390.66, net payroll of $3,525.80 for a total of $59,916.46 and a transfer from savings of $52,000.00. Motion carried unanimously.


Supervisor Dahlheimer joined the meeting.


CITIZEN’S CONCERNS: Clerk Raisanen stated the town had received a complaint of a resident having dogs in excess of our small animal ordinance. The animal control officer has provided a copy of his report and asked how the township wishes to proceed. Board consensus is to have township Attorney Clark send a letter to the offender.


PLANNING AND ZONING: Marvin Kulzer, 7855 Brackin Road. Zoning Administrator Oleson stated that in May 2010, Mr. Kulzer submitted an application to move in a used building. Upon review of the application, Oleson sent a letter on May 28, 2010 to the applicant stating that his application could not be approved until the town had received proof of sewer compliance. In September 2010, Oleson called the applicant, following up on the sewer compliance issue. The applicant indicated that since his check was cashed, he assumed the permit was approved so he moved the building onto his property and installed it. The applicant did not have a sewer compliance test performed.


Zoning Administrator Oleson said that the town is dealing with an after-the-fact issue since the quonset was moved in without having the required sewer compliance done. Oleson stated that a certified letter was sent September 21, 2010, which was subsequently returned. He then followed up with a letter dated October 14, 2010, which requested delivery confirmation. The applicant contends that he never received the May 28th letter. He also stated that he did not pick up the certified letter as the post office hours for pick up were not conducive to his work schedule. He did, however, receive the letter dated October 14th. The applicant said he has contacted a sewer inspector and the work is scheduled to be completed within the next week or so. Motion by Feuling, seconded by Alstead, to waive the after-the-fact fee for moving in a used building contingent upon completion of the sewer inspection. Motion carried unanimously.


Preliminary Plat of Victoria Estates, 1st Addition. Zoning Administrator Oleson stated that the planning commission recommended approval of the plat with eight conditions. Supervisor Dahlheimer questioned the length of the cul de sac and if it met town requirements. The town board also discussed the possible elimination of the cul de sac in the future and extending the road. The applicant, Ben Zacher, stated that the temporary turnaround was intended and may need to be vacated once the permanent turnaround is established. Motion by Alstead, seconded by Feuling, to approve the preliminary plat of Victoria Estates, 1st Addition, with the eight condtions outlined in the staff report. Roll: Alstead, Ross, Feuling, Dahlheimer, Thalman – yes. Opposed: none. Motion carried unanimously.


Zoning Ordinance, Section V – Performance Standards. Zoning Administrator Oleson stated that the planning commission has been discussing how to clarify its regulation of business activities within non-commercial/non-industrial area. A public hearing was conducted on October 25th and they now have a draft ready to send to the county for their comments.


Supervisor Feuling recommended that the word “audible” be added to the Home Occupation – High Activity definition. She also suggested under the Home Occupation – Low Activity definition to add the wording “no clients”. Under No.4, Minimum Lot Size, she recommends changing the word “or” to “and”, as follows “…minimum lot size of ten (10) acres and…”. Under No. 5, Outside Storage, Home Occupation – Moderate Activity, she mentioned being more specific as to the type of vehicle(s). Under No. 7, noise, she stated that home businesses should be held to a higher noise standard and did not feel the noise ordinance addresses this sufficiently. The board discussed residential “intermittent noise” as compared to a business having “sustained noise”. She felt the ordinance does not address the “employee” issue; i.e. does the number of employees need to be addressed?


Supervisor Feuling mentioned that perhaps the county tax assessor’s office should be consulted to determine if they have some kind of a break-down for businesses. Zoning Administrator Oleson stated that the county allows most any business as a conditional use. The consensus of the board is to have the planning commission further review the ordinance and submit a draft to Douglas County and the township attorney for their comments.

Final plat of Sanden Acres. Zoning Administrator Oleson stated that Joshua and Renee Sanden have met all the conditions of their preliminary plat. Brad Nyberg, of Nyberg Surveying, stated that the Sandens are in the process of selling the land and that the new owners may take over the plat. Zoning Administrator Oleson said that the county surveyor would have no issues with another owner as long as the people who sign off on the plat are the actual owners of the plat. Motion by Ross, seconded by Alstead, to approve the final plat of Sanden Acres. Roll: Alstead, Ross, Feuling, Dahlheimer, Thalman – yes. Opposed: none. Motion carried unanimously.


Eastgate plat. Dennis Conn, owner, stated that in 2007 he paid for two building permits. His permits were approved; however he did not go ahead with the buildings due to the soft economy. In April 2009 he received an extension until December 2009. He plans to begin building in the next year and is asking the town board if he can have any consideration with respect to what he has already paid.


Zoning Administrator Oleson added that the building permits are considered expired. Since the town board stated back in April 2009 that they would not approve another extension, Mr. Conn is requesting a reduced fee to reinstate the existing permits and/or a waiver of fees entirely.   The consensus of the town board was to have Mr. Conn present a plan to the board when he is ready to build. The board will make a final decision as to either reducing and/or waiving the fee at that time.


Zoning Administrator Oleson stated that the sign ordinance is pretty limiting. It does not look like the county will be revising their ordinance any time soon.


ENGINEER’S REPORT:   Brad Nyberg was present to discuss the temporary turnaround at the end of Pawnee Drive. Once Pawnee Drive is extended via the development of the Victoria Estates, 1st Addition plat, a permanent turnaround will be established, thus negating the necessity of the temporary (existing) turnaround. The existing turnaround is comprised of 40’ of platted roadway. Mr. Nyberg needs the turnaround area to access his back lot. He asked the board about vacating the turnaround and removal of the bituminous. The board directed Engineer Kuhn and Mr. Nyberg to bring a recommendation to the board.


Engineer Kuhn stated that the blacktop patching is progressing. He explained that Parkview Road is in need of a complete overhaul and would not be serviced well with patching. He recommended applying the patching to other areas in the township such as the Manor Hills area and to consider Parkview Road as a 2011 blacktop project. Board consensus was to have Engineer Kuhn use his discretion in re-directing the blacktop patching to other areas.

OLD BUSINESS: Storage space. WSN has approved the sub-lease arrangement between the township and CGI.


NEW BUSINESS: 2010 financial audit. Clerk Raisanen stated that Chris Mitchell will undertake the audit for a fee of $3,900, which is a $100 increase from 2009. Motion by Alstead, seconded by Ross, to contract with the accounting firm of Chris Mitchell to perform the 2010 financial audit. Motion carried unanimously.


Federal tax deposits. Clerk Raisanen stated that the town is required to show proof on paper for deposits. The federal government is now requiring all federal tax deposits to be submitted electronically. Motion by Ross, seconded by Alstead, to authorize the submission of federal tax deposits electronically. Motion carried unanimously.


Being no further business, Ross, seconded by Dahlheimer, made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:12 p.m.


Respectfully submitted….




Gregg Raisanen, Clerk


Approved this ____ day of ________, 2010




Roger Thalman, Chairman