October 15, 2007 Meeting Minutes

Alexandria Township

Alexandria, Minnesota 56308

Minutes of the meeting of 10-15-2007


A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Alexandria Township was held on the 15th Day of October 2007 at the Alexandria Township Conference Room, 610 Fillmore Street.


ROLL CALL: Supervisors present were Bryon Alstead, Joel Dahlheimer, Jim Casper, Louis Ross, and Roger Thalman. Also present were Clerk Gregg Raisanen and Mona Billmark, Treasurer. As said members formed a quorum and the meeting was called to order by Chairman Thalman at 7:30 PM.


Ross, seconded by Casper, made a motion to adopt the agenda with the addition of discussion of meeting times. Motion carried unanimously.


Alstead, seconded by Casper, made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 1, 2007 regular board meeting as written. Motion carried unanimously.


Dahlheimer, seconded by Alstead, made a motion to authorize payment of claims 7323-7345 in the amount of $20,279.83 and to authorize the transfer of $19,000.00 from the savings into the checking account. Motion carried unanimously.


PLANNNING AND ZONING: Attorney Michelle Clark reported that she had received the history of the Zunker Junkyard from County Attorney Karpen. He had reported that the county’s ordinance was signed in 1966 and this junkyard began after that date. County Attorney Karpen reported that Mr. Zunker has made some progress until he had been injured and Attorney Karpen had begun a new lawsuit prior to the Township assuming planning and zoning in January. Attorney Clark reported that this junkyard is in violation of the township’s ordinance and outlined three options. The township could proceed immediately with litigation, make a decision to not proceed since the original violation had occurred prior to the township assuming planning and zoning jurisdiction, or try to negotiate a timeframe with Mr. Zunker to clean up the area. Attorney Clark reported that another junkyard had been in existence prior to 1966, so the use is “grand fathered in” with the condition that the land area used does not increase in size. Dahlheimer, seconded by Casper, made a motion to direct Attorney Clark to meet with Richard Zunker to try to draft an agreement to a reasonable timetable, which will result in the cleanup of the junkyard. Supervisor Ross questioned the necessity of the meeting since Mr. Zunker had previously indicated that he would not be interested in any timetable for removal of junk. Clerk Raisanen reported that Administrative Assistant Fulghum had spoken to Mr. Zunker who had indicated that he would meet with Attorney Clark. Motion carried unanimously.


OLD BUSINESS: Clerk Raisanen reported that Supervisor Dahlheimer and himself had met with Gary Walsh, owner of Canyon Contracting, and Jim Waldorf to view their equipment and discuss the road maintenance contract. Clerk Raisanen provided a summary of the meeting. Canyon contracting currently owns one road grader, one two-ton snowplow, two one-ton trucks with a plows, a tractor with plow, snow blower and mower, and other construction equipment. They presently have 6 employees and no not have any maintenance contracts with any governmental agencies. Canyon Contracting does not have any experience in plowing roads; however, Gary Walsh has experience in plowing parking lots and reported that he had previous road maintenance experience for Gordon Township. Canyon Contracting presently is completed a road construction contract with Ida Township. Chairman Thalman reported that the successful contractor needs to be prepared to a variety of other tasks such as tree removal and sign installation and needs to be available at all times. Mr. Walsh reported that he would secure all the necessary equipment to fulfill the terms of the contract. Attorney Clark reported that the contract has to be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder who can fulfill the terms and conditions of the contract and reported that previous experience and equipment availability can be used to determine responsiveness. Alstead, seconded by Ross, made a motion to award the road maintenance contract for the period November 1, 2007-September 30, 2008 to Canyon Contracting in the amounts that were previously bid and opened at the October 1, 2007 meeting. Supervisor Casper expressed concern about the lack of experience of the contractor and is concerned about public relations if the contractor cannot complete the work. Attorney Clark reported that the contract could be canceled if the contractor does not complete the road maintenance under terms and conditions of the contract. Motion for: Alstead, Ross, Thalman. Motion Against: Casper, Dahlheimer. Motion carried.


Clerk Raisanen provided a copy of a service contract with the City of Alexandria for building inspection services. Ross, seconded by Casper, made a motion to approve a one-year contract with the City of Alexandria for Building Inspection services and to approve the attached fee schedule for building inspections. Motion carried unanimously.


Alstead, seconded by Casper, made a motion to appoint Bruce Jasperson as the building inspector for Alexandria Township beginning January 1, 2008. Motion carried unanimously.


PLANNING AND ZONING CONTINUED: Zoning Administrator Oleson presented three proposals for Planning and Zoning services from CGI. One proposal would be to continue to provide services on an hourly basis or the two others would provide services on a flat fee basis depending upon the level of services provided. The flat fee service that the board was interested in would cost $45,000.00/year, which is more than is presently budgeted for in 2008. Clerk Raisanen will provide a budget summary for the board’s consideration at their next meeting.


ENGINEER’S REPORT: Engineer Kuhn recommended that the board approve the minor modifications that he made to the road standards. Alstead, seconded by Casper, made a motion to approve the changes to the road standards as recommended by Engineer Kuhn. Motion carried unanimously.


Engineer Kuhn reported that the Golden Gate paving project was completed. Clerk Raisanen reported that he had tentatively scheduled the road assessment hearing with Attorney Haseman for December 3, 2007 at 6:30 PM.


NEW BUSINESS: Clerk Raisanen provided an engagement letter from Chris Mitchell, Accounting for completing the 2007 financial audit in the amount of $3,700.00. Ross, seconded by Alstead, made a motion to contract with Chris Mitchell to conduct the 2007 financial audit in the amount of $3,700.00. Motion carried unanimously.


Supervisor Ross inquired about the history regarding the 7:30 PM starting time of meetings. Clerk Raisanen reported that the board has the authority to designate meeting times but recommended that any changes be made at the annual township meeting and to make the change during the reorganization meeting in April.


Being no further business, Alstead, seconded by Ross, made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:20PM.



Respectfully Submitted…..                                         Approved this _____ day of________, 2007


_______________________________                      ______________________________

Gregg Raisanen, Clerk                                             Roger Thalman, Chairman