September 17, 2007 Meeting Minutes

Alexandria Township

Alexandria, Minnesota 56308

Minutes of the meeting of 9-17-2007


A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Alexandria Township was held on the 17th Day of September 2007 at the Alexandria Township Conference Room, 610 Fillmore Street.


ROLL CALL: Supervisors present were Bryon Alstead, Joel Dahlheimer, Jim Casper, Louis Ross, and Roger Thalman. Also present were Clerk Gregg Raisanen and Mona Billmark, Treasurer. As said members formed a quorum and the meeting was called to order by Chairman Thalman at 7:30 PM.


Casper, seconded by Alstead, made a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.


Alstead, seconded by Dahlheimer, made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 5, 2007 regular board meeting as written. Motion carried unanimously.


Dahlheimer seconded by Alstead, made a motion to authorize payment of claims 7292-7310 in the amount of $22,913.89. Motion carried unanimously.




PLANNNING AND ZONING: Clerk Raisanen reported that Attorney Michelle Clark is researching the history and case law regarding the Zunker Junkyard and plans on attending the next Board Meeting. Supervisor Casper reported that Mr. Zunker indicated that he had never applied for a Conditional Use Permit for the property to allow for the junkyard; however even if he had, this type of use is not allowed in residential zoned areas even with a conditional use permit.


Engineer Kuhn reported that Zoning Administrator Oleson and himself had discussed the necessity of a fee for a driveway permit in lots that have a curb and gutter design since many would not require a culvert. After discussion, the board was in consensus to leave the permit fee as is for all driveway designs since an inspection of some type would be required irregardless of design.


Engineer Kuhn reported that Zoning Administrator Oleson had met with a contractor that was hired by the bank that holds the property for Gavin’s Pt. Plat. They are interested in completing the final plat of the subdivision; however more that a year has expired from preliminary plat so therefore the one-year time granted to complete the subdivision has expired. The board directed Clerk Raisanen to contact Attorney Kristen Karr to determine if the developer would be required to begin the process all over and apply to the township with a preliminary plat even though the project began under the County.


ENGINEER’ REPORT: Engineer Kuhn reported that Clerk Raisanen and himself had met with some of the residents of Whispering Oaks to discuss the proposed drainage project within the plat along N. McKay. After explaining the necessity of the project, the residents were in agreement with the proposed project to connect the four ponds together with installation of culverts to allow for an outlet for these ponds. They were interested in the project provided that standpipes were installed on the outlets to allow for maximizing the depth of the ponds without impacting the east side of McKay Ave. Douglas County Engineer, Dave Robley, has approved the proposed elevations of the ponds. The next step is to obtain easements for the installation of the proposed drainage tile and to obtain quotes for the work.


Engineer Kuhn recommended to the board that the yield signs located at the intersection of Woodland Park and Manor Drive be replaced with stop signs. Ross, seconded by Casper, made a motion to authorize Alden Just Road Maintenance to replace the yield signs at the intersection of Woodland Park and Manor Drive per the recommendation of Engineer Kuhn. Motion carried unanimously.


Engineer Kuhn reported that when the west portion of Queen’s road was rebuilt the ditch on the North side of the road was changed which is resulting in drainage not flowing west along the North side of Queens but to flow across Bernie and Betty Van Zomeren’s property. In addition, when the road was rebuilt, the contractor used the Van Zomeren’s property to store equipment and the area has not been restored to its original condition. Ross, seconded by Alstead, made a motion to authorize Alden Just Road Maintenance to construct a small berm on the north side of Queens’s road to redirect water and to spread topsoil and seed the area on the Van Zomeren property that was used to store equipment during the reconstruction of Queen’s Road. Motion carried unanimously.


Engineer Kuhn reported that landowners who own lakeshore property and have drainage through their property had contacted him. They are interested in his recommendation regarding drainage improvements, which would be beneficial to protect lake water quality; however, they are probably unwilling to pay for an engineered design. Dahlheimer, seconded by Ross, made a motion to direct Engineer Kuhn to work with Zoning Administrator Oleson to review proposed drainage improvements along lakeshore property and to use his professional judgment of the validity of the proposed improvements. Motion carried unanimously.


Engineer Kuhn reported that Zacker Excavating had been hired to repair a sinkhole located in Shadow Lane. When the contractor dug down, they had to remove more material than anticipated and had to install a mat to reinforce the sub-grade. Blacktop will be placed to repair the road if weather allows.


OLD BUSINESS: Clerk Raisanen provided the board statistics of the municipalities and counties within Minnesota that enforce the state building code. There are 65 townships, 422 cities and 20 counties, which enforce the Building Code. Ross, seconded by Casper, made a motion to adopt resolution 07-13, a resolution approving Ordinance 114, an ordinance adopting the Minnesota State Building Code by Alexandria Township effective January 1, 2008. Motion for: Alstead, Ross, Casper, Thalman. Motion against: Dahlheimer. Motion carried unanimously.1


The Board discussed a proposed resolution recommending a jail location that is being debated by the Douglas County Commissioners. The board was in consensus that a green site should be selected as a new jail location by the county. The resolution will be rewritten and considered by the board at the next meeting.


NEW BUSINESS: Clerk Raisanen reported that the 2008 ALASD levy forwarded by Bruce Nelson was approximately $10,000 more than the amount levied at the annual meeting. Ross, seconded by Alstead, made a motion to keep the levy that was approved at the annual town meeting in the amount of $145,000.00. Motion carried unanimously.


Being no further business, Alstead, seconded by Ross, made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:05PM.



Respectfully Submitted…..                                         Approved this _____ day of________, 2007


_______________________________                      ______________________________

Gregg Raisanen, Clerk                                             Roger Thalman, Chairman