September 19, 2011

Alexandria Township

Alexandria, Minnesota 56308

Minutes of the meeting of September 19, 2011


A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Alexandria Township was held on the 19th day of September, 2011 at the Alexandria Township Conference Room, 610 Fillmore Street.


ROLL CALL: Supervisors present were Bryon Alstead, Louis Ross, Jul Feuling, Joel Dahlheimer and Roger Thalman. Also present were Bonnie Fulghum, Deputy Clerk, and Mona Billmark, Treasurer. As said members formed a quorum and the meeting was called to order by Chairman Ross at 6:00 p.m.


Alstead, seconded by Thalman, made a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.


Alstead, seconded by Feuling, made a motion to approve the minutes of the 09/07/2011 regular board meeting as written. Motion carried unanimously.


Thalman, seconded by Dahlheimer, made a motion to authorize payment of claims 11233-11243 in the amount of $22,551.50, net payroll of $1,055.91 and electronic deductions in the amount of $1,130.96 totaling $24,738.37 and a transfer of funds from savings in the amount of $24,000.00. Motion carried unanimously.


CITIZEN’S CONCERNS: Bruce Henningsgaard and his father, Roger Henningsgaard, were present to discuss stormwater issues at 2520 Queens Road. The Henningsgaards contend that these issues began with a culvert illegally placed in the right-of-way of a platted, but undeveloped section of road. They stated the county filed suit against the installer; however, the culvert was never removed and it appears that one end has filled with debris. A second culvert was installed atop the first by another landowner and they ascertain that this culvert is primarily causing the excessive run-off. The Henningsgaards presented pictures of the stormwater’s erosion on their property. They stated two other landowners to the south are also affected by the run-off. Board consensus is to have the Henningsgaards research possible options to contain and/or slow the rate of stormwater run-off, identify the owner of the land where the culvert is located, and comprise a list of potential costs associated with the project. The zoning administrator was directed to contact the Minnesota Association of Township attorneys to obtain a legal opinion on lake erosion due to stormwater issues and the town’s obligation to assist in containment.


PLANNING AND ZONING: Zoning Administrator Oleson stated that we received notification from the building inspector’s office that the City of Alexandria is contemplating increasing their building permit fees by as much as 85%. Oleson contacted the City asking if this increase affects the town’s contractual agreement with the City regarding building inspector services. He was informed the town is not obligated to incorporate the increase in their fee schedule.


Oleson stated that the mandatory MPCA training has been completed by Deputy Clerk Fulghum. He will inform the MPCA that the requirements have been met.


ENGINEER’S REPORT: Engineer Kuhn stated that the town’s road maintenance contractor will inspect the manholes and make appropriate adjustments on West Lake Jessie Drive before winter. They will also complete the re-grading of the ditch in October.


Deputy Clerk Fulghum reported that the town is in its fourth year of sign replacement. Douglas County’s sign department informed us that the federal government has relaxed the timeline for completion of the sign replacement; however, the requirement for total replacement is still intact. Motion by Thalman, seconded by Dahlheimer, to continue with the reflectivity process as stated in our sign replacement plan. Motion carried unanimously.


Engineer Kuhn said that repairs to North Lake Jessie Road are complete.


The 2011 road improvement projects still need some patching and shouldering work. Soil borings and hydraulic analysis on Apache Lane are in process.


OLD BUSINESS: Supervisor Alstead stated that the town had been contacted by residents on Lake Park Court about cleaning out the retention pond on Wilderness Ridge. Motion by Alstead, seconded by Feuling, to have Alden Just Road Maintenance clean out the pond this fall. Motion carried unanimously. Deputy Clerk Fulghum to contact residents.


Discussion ensued as to placing retention ponds maintained by the township on a rotation schedule. Board consensus is to include inspection of the ponds during the annual road inspection.


Deputy Clerk Fulghum reported that the town had received one written quote for winter road maintenance services. Alden Just Road Maintenance provided a proposal which included all the items requested in the RFP and quoted the following prices for winter road maintenance services: removal of snow with motor grader $82/hr.; removal of snow with truck/plow/wing/sander $82/hr.; grading of roads with motor grader $80/hr.; sign installation, tree removal, other maintenance $34/hr/worker; blowing of snow with snowblower $140/hr; hauling of snow with dumptruck $80/hr; sanding of roads (cost of salt/sand not included) $80/hr. Also included is a fuel surcharge of $1.00/hr. for every $0.12 increase in fuel costs from the current prices. Motion by Thalman, seconded by Dahlheimer, to contract with Alden Just Road Maintenance Services for the period October 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012 for road maintenance services at the prices quoted. Motion carried unanimously.


Chairman Ross reminded the board that all available supervisors are to assist with set up/take down at Good Shepherd for the school board referendum on September 27, 2011.




Being no further business, Ross, seconded by Alstead, made a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 7:49 p.m.


Respectfully submitted….




Bonnie Fulghum, Deputy Clerk


Approved this ____ day of ________, 2011




Louis Ross, Chairman