Category Archives: Agendas

June 23, 2014 Agenda

Call to Order –Chairman Steidl Adopt Agenda Approve Minutes 5/28/2014 Public Hearing Interim Use Permit application – Jackie Corcoran, applicant Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, No. 126 Zoning Administrator’s Report   New Business: Site Visit Schedule Old Business:  Comprehensive Plan – review Adjournment Dates to Remember: TBD – Site Visit – 10:00 a.m. July 28,… Continue Reading

June 02, 2014 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 6/02/2014                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order         Chairman Alstead   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes: 5/19/14 regular board minutes, Payment of Bills: Claims 14116-14124 in the amount of $23,469.05, Net Payroll $3,610.45, total $27,079.50 Transfer of Funds:   $ 23,000.00 Citizen Concerns: Planning… Continue Reading

May 28, 2014 Agenda

Call to Order –Chairman Steidl Adopt Agenda Approve Minutes 4/28/2014 Public Hearing 1. 2. 3. Zoning Administrator’s Report  New Business: 3. Old Business:  Update – Public Hearing for Zoning Amendments  Training – Developing Effective Comprehensive Plans Discussion – Comprehensive Plan Update Adjournment Dates to Remember: June 11, 2014 – Site Visit – 10:00 a.m. June… Continue Reading

May 19, 2014 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 5/19/2014                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order     Chairman Alstead   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes: 05/05/14 regular board minutes, Payment of Bills: Claims 14103-14115 in the amount of $11,759.19, Net Payroll $877.68, EFTPS $1,147.49, total $13,784.36 Transfer of Funds:   $7,000.00 Citizen Concerns:… Continue Reading

May 5, 2014 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 5/05/2014                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order       Chairman Alstead   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes: 4/21/14 regular board minutes Payment of Bills: Claims 14089-14102 in the amount of $36,972.12, Net Payroll $3,755.68, total $40,727.80 Transfer of Funds:   $ 40,000.00 2013 Financial Audit:… Continue Reading

April 28, 2014 Agenda

Call to Order – Deputy Clerk Fulghum Welcome and Oath of Office – Shad Steinbrecher Appoint Chairman Appoint Vice-Chairman Appoint Representatives re Zoning Subcommittee (2) Adopt Agenda Approve Minutes March 24, 2014 Public Hearing IUP to allow nursery/garden store – applicants: Douglas and Shirley Jacobson CUP to allow an existing dwelling to remain onsite until… Continue Reading

April 21, 2014 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 4/21/2014                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order         Chairman Alstead   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes: 04/07/14 regular board minutes, Payment of Bills: Claims 14085-14088 in the amount of $1,277.56, Net Payroll $1,064.20, EFTPS $1,440.15, total $3,781.91 Transfer of Funds:   $ 0 Citizen… Continue Reading

April 07, 2014 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 4/07/2014                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order       Clerk Raisanen   Appoint Chairman   Appoint Vice-Chairman   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes: 3/17/2014 regular board minutes Payment of Bills: Claims 14066-14084 $19,140.37, Net Payroll $4,828.70, total $ 23,969.07 Transfer of Funds:   $ 0… Continue Reading

March 24, 2014 Agenda

Call to Order –Chairman Steidl Adopt Agenda Approve Minutes 02/24/2014 regular meeting minutes; 03/14/2014 site visit minutes Public Hearing Douglas and Shirley Jacobson re Interim Use Permit application to allow a nursery/garden store and related signage   Zoning Administrator’s Report   New Business: 3.   Old Business: Training – Developing Effective Comprehensive Plans Discussion –… Continue Reading

March 17, 2014 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 3/17/2014                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order         Chairman Alstead   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes: 3/03/14 regular board minutes, 3/11/14 board of canvas minutes Payment of Bills: Claims 14053-14065 in the amount of $31,824.37, EFTPS $932.06, total $32,756.43 Transfer of Funds:   $… Continue Reading