Category Archives: Agendas

March 03, 2014 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 3/03/2014                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order           Chairman Alstead   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes: 2/19/14 regular board minutes, Payment of Bills: Claims 14043-14052 in the amount of $40,291.56, Net Payroll $3,273.88, total $43,565.44 Transfer of Funds:   $ 18,000.00 Citizen Concerns: Planning… Continue Reading

February 24, 2014 Agenda

Call to Order –Chairman Steidl Adopt Agenda Approve Minutes 1/27/2014 Public Hearing Preliminary Plat application re Rock Acres Zoning Administrator’s Report   New Business: Planning Commission term expirations  Old Business:  Training re “Developing Effective Comprehensive Plans”  Discussion re Comprehensive Plan Update   Adjournment Dates to Remember: March 14, 2014 – Site Visit – 10:00 a.m.… Continue Reading

February 03, 2014 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 2/03/2014                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order         Chairman Alstead   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes: 1/22/14 regular board minutes, Payment of Bills: Claims 14026-14036 in the amount of $30,199.37, Net Payroll $4,799.15, total $34,998.52 Transfer of Funds:   $ 29,000.00 Citizen Concerns: Planning… Continue Reading

January 27, 2014 Agenda

Call to Order –Chairman Steidl Adopt Agenda Approve Minutes 11/25/2013 Public Hearing 1. 2. 3.   Zoning Administrator’s Report Tree Preservation Ordinance – Douglas County Feedlot Compliance (PIN: 03-1884-000)   New Business: Northern Natural Gas pipeline Old Business: Training (Developing Effective Comprehensive Plans) Discussion re Comprehensive Plan Discussion – possible ordinance amendments a) Pervious pavers… Continue Reading

January 22, 2014 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 1/22/2014                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order       Chairman Alstead   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes: 1/06/14 regular board minutes, Payment of Bills: Claims 14017-14025 in the amount of $4,352.99, net payroll $720.33, EFTPS $950.37, total $6,023.69 Transfer of Funds:   $ 0 Citizen… Continue Reading

January 06, 2014 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 1/06/2014                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order       Chairman Alstead   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes: 12/16/2013 regular board minutes, 12/16/2013 Board of Adjustment minutes Payment of Bills: Claims 14001 – 14016 in the amount of $53,088.94, Net payroll $2,855.06, total $55,944.00 Transfer… Continue Reading

December 16, 2013 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 12/16/2013                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order         Chairman Alstead   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes: 12/02/2013 regular board minutes Payment of Bills: Claims13274 -13288 in the amount of $77,526.82, Net payroll $2,272.07, EFTPS $1,451.93, total $81,250.82 Transfer of Funds:   $81,000.00 Citizen Concerns:… Continue Reading

December 02, 2013 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 12/02/2013                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order         Chairman Alstead   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes: 11/18/2013 regular board minutes Payment of Bills: Claims13259-13273 in the amount of $10,802.28, Net payroll $4,049.47, total $14,851.75 Transfer of Funds:   $ 9,000.00 Citizen Concerns: Planning and… Continue Reading

November 25, 2013 Agenda

Call to Order –Chairman Steidl  Adopt Agenda Approve Minutes 10/28/2013 Public Hearing 1. 2. 3.   Zoning Administrator’s Report  New Business: Year-end expenses 2014 meeting dates Old Business:  Update – Small Animal Ordinance  Possible ordinance amendments: Variance criteria Home occupation ordinance Small-scale solar panels Residential fences Pervious pavers Wind towers/generators Training – “Developing Effective Comprehensive… Continue Reading

November 11, 2013 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 11/18/2013                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order     Chairman Alstead   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes: 11/04/2013 regular board minutes Payment of Bills: Claims13253-13258 in the amount of $7,327.78, Net payroll $73.88,EFTPS $957.10 total $8,358.76 Transfer of Funds:   $6,500.00 Citizen Concerns: Planning and… Continue Reading