Category Archives: Agendas

February 6, 2012 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 2/06/2012                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order   Chairman Alstead   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes: 01/18/2012 regular board minutes   Payment of Bills: Claims 12025-12042 for $69,300.41, Net Payroll of $3,389.62, for a total of $72,690.03 Transfer of Funds:   $35,000.00 Citizen Concerns:… Continue Reading

January 23, 2012 Agenda

Call to Order –Vice-Chairman Niskanen Adopt Agenda Approve Minutes 11/28/2011 Public Hearing none   Zoning Administrator’s Report   New Business: 1. 2. 3.   Old Business: Discussion re ordinance updates Training session – continuation of Septic Systems Adjournment Dates to Remember: February 21, 2012 – Site Visit – 12:30 p.m. February 27, 2012 – Regular… Continue Reading

January 18, 2012 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 1/18/2012                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order     Chairman Alstead   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes: 01/04/2012 regular board minutes   Payment of Bills: Claims 12015-12024 $7,069.20, EFTPS $826.51, total $ 7,895.71 Transfer of Funds:   $ 7,000.00 Citizen Concerns: Planning and Zoning- Kathy… Continue Reading

January 04, 2012 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 1/04/2012                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order   Chairman Alstead   Appoint Supervisor   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes: 12/19/2011 regular board minutes   Payment of Bills: Claims 12001-12014 $16,356.59, Net Payroll $2,854.65, total $ 19,211.24 Transfer of Funds:   $ 10,000.00 Citizen Concerns:… Continue Reading

December 19, 2011 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 12/19/2011                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order                   Chairman Alstead   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes: 12/05/2011 regular board minutes   Payment of Bills: Claims 11311-11326 $11,140.73,EFTPS $1,591.99, Net Payroll $3,274.28, total $ 16,007.00 Transfer of Funds:   $ 15,000.00 2011 Revenue and… Continue Reading

December 5, 2011 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 12/05/2011                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order   Chairman Alstead   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes: 11/21/2011 regular board minutes   Payment of Bills: Claims 11298-11310 in the amount of $135,851.30, net payroll of $4,634.93 for a total of $140,486.23. Transfer of Funds:  … Continue Reading

November 28, 2011 Agenda

Call to Order Vice-Chairman Niskanen Adopt Agenda Approve Minutes – October 24, 2011 Public Hearing 2. 3.   Zoning Administrator’s Report   New Business:  End-of-year administrative tasks   Old Business: Discussion – end-of-year ordinance updates Training Session – Effective enforcement Adjournment Dates to Remember December 20, 2011 – Site Visit – 12:30 p.m. December 28,… Continue Reading

November 21, 2011 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 11/21/2011                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order   Chairman Alstead   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes: 11/07/2011 regular board minutes   Payment of Bills: Claims 11289-11297 $1,762.72,EFTPS $906.67 , total $2,669.39 Transfer of Funds:   $ 0 Citizen Concerns: Planning and Zoning- Jack’s Family… Continue Reading

November 7, 2011 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 11/07/2011                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order Vice-Chairman Alstead   Appoint New Chairman   Appoint Vice-Chairman   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes: 10/17/2011 regular board minutes   Payment of Bills: Claims 11271–11288 in the amount of $40,294.26, net payroll of $3,731.46, totaling… Continue Reading

October 24, 2011 Agenda

Call to Order Chairman Knowles Adopt Agenda Approve Minutes – September 26, 2011 Public Hearing Ronald and Mary Nelson, Conditional use permit to allow for the placement of approximately 48 cu yds of soil and 18 cu yds of rock rip rap in a shore impact zone. WITHDRAWN – Randall and Patty Boushek, Conditional use… Continue Reading