Category Archives: Agendas

January 25, 2010 Agenda

Call to Order – Deputy Clerk Fulghum   Re-organization   Adopt Agenda   Approve Minutes 12/28/09   Public Hearing Interim Use Permit – James Florin 2. 3.   Zoning Administrator’s Report   New Business: Discussion – ordinance amendments Discussion – Zoning Administrator’s Report re alleged violations section 3.   Old Business: 1. 2. 3.  … Continue Reading

January 20, 2010 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 1/20/2010                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order        Chairman Thalman   Board of Adjustment   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes:   1/04/2010 regular board minutes   Payment of Bills: Claims 10013-10025 in the amount of $4,685.30 Transfer of Funds:   $ 3,500.00   Citizen… Continue Reading

January 04, 2010 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 1/04/2010                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order     Vice-Chairman Ross   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes:   12/21/2009 regular board minutes   Payment of Bills: Claims 10001-10012 in the amount of $ 21,328.69, net payroll $2,906.39, total $ 24,235.08 Transfer of Funds:   $… Continue Reading

January 3, 2010 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 1/03/2011                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order            Chairman Thalman   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes: 12/20/2010 regular board minutes   Payment of Bills: Claims 11001-11016 in the amount of $28,593.89, net payroll $4,793.37, $33,387.26 Transfer of Funds:   $ 25,000.00   Citizen Concerns:… Continue Reading

December 28, 2009 Agenda

Call to Order – Chairman Knowles Adopt Agenda Approve Minutes 10/26/09 Public Hearing Ellerbroek – Conditional Use Froemming/Krebs – Conditional Use   Zoning Administrator’s Report New Business: Discussion – policies and procedures Discussion – ordinance update re violations policy; state statute; defining “home business” 2010 calendar New zoning ordinance inserts   Old Business: 1. 2.… Continue Reading

December 21, 2009 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 12/21/2009                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order        Chairman Thalman   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes:   12/07/2009 regular board minutes   Payment of Bills: Claims 9355-9366 in the amount of $ 103,509.82.52, net payroll $2,731.12, total $106,240.94 Transfer of Funds:   $ 104,000.00… Continue Reading

December 7, 2009 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 12/07/2009                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order           Chairman Thalman   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes:   11/16/2009 regular board minutes   Payment of Bills: Claims 9330-9354 in the amount of $ 64,834.52, net payroll $4,960.07, total $69,794.59 Transfer of Funds:   $ 63,000.00… Continue Reading

December 7, 2009 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 12/07/2009                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order           Chairman Thalman   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes:   11/16/2009 regular board minutes   Payment of Bills: Claims 9330-9354 in the amount of $ 64,834.52, net payroll $4,960.07, total $69,794.59 Transfer of Funds:   $ 63,000.00… Continue Reading

November 16, 2009 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 11/16/2009                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order           Chairman Thalman   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes:   11/02/2009 regular board minutes   Payment of Bills: Claims 9318-9329 in the amount of $ 7,890.42, net payroll $517.16, total $8,407.58 Transfer of Funds:   $ 7,000.00… Continue Reading

November 2, 2009 Agenda

  Agenda                   Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors 11/02/2009                                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 PM   Call to Order Chairman Thalman   Approve agenda     Approval of Minutes:   10/19/2009 regular board minutes   Payment of Bills: Claims 9300-9317 in the amount of $ 46,568.74, net payroll $3,516.70, total $50,085.44 Transfer of Funds:   $ 32,000.00… Continue Reading