2014 0611 zoning ord amend notice


TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Alexandria Township Planning Commission will convene on June 23, 2014, at 6:00 PM at 610 Fillmore Street to conduct a public hearing to consider the enactment of amendments to Ordinance #126 (Zoning Ordinance). The proposed amendments are summarized as follows: 1) a revised section V.J (Accessory Building) regulating the construction of detached accessory buildings on certain parcels and Section VII (Definitions) defining certain terms relating to the regulation of detached accessory buildings; 2) A revised section V.U (Home Occupations) to add a section exempting the display for sale of up to two motor vehicles, trailers, farm machinery or other similar items at any given time from being considered a home occupation; 3) A revised section V.L.4 (Storm Water Management) that would allow a 25 percent credit against impervious coverage for the use of pervious pavers by conditional use permit and allow existing impervious surfaces to be converted to pervious pavers by permit under certain conditions where a lot already exceeds impervious limits; 4) A revised section VI.I (Variances) to bring the language into compliance with recent amendments to state law; and 5) A revised section VIII.B (Supremacy) to clarify that more restrictive standards adopted by Douglas County shall be applied to Alexandria Township even when not specifically adopted by Alexandria Township.

All interested persons are invited to attend the hearings and be heard or send written comments to Alexandria Township at PO Box 445, Alexandria, MN 56308. The full text of the proposed amendments is available on-line at www.hometownplanning.com or by visiting the Township office from 9am-1pm Mon-Fri.

Ben Oleson, Zoning Administrator, Alexandria Township