
April 13, 2017 Notice of Board of Appeal and Equalization

Important Information Regarding Property Assessments This may affect your 2018 property taxes The Board of Appeal and Equalization for the Township of Alexandria in Douglas County, Minnesota, will meet, on Thursday, April 13, at 9:00 AM at the Courthouse – Board Room by appointment only, for the assessment year 2017 (taxes payable 2018). The purpose… Continue Reading

March 31, 2017 RFP for summer road maintenance

The Alexandria Township Board of Supervisors is requesting proposals for Summer Road Maintenance Services for the period April 4, 2017-September 30, 2017. Proposals will be received until March 31, 2017 at the Alexandria Township Office, 324 Broadway, Suite 101, Alexandria, MN. Proposals will be reviewed by the Board of Supervisors at the April 3, 2016… Continue Reading

March 5, 2017 Notice of Public Accuracy Test

Public Notice Alexandria Township Residents Public Accuracy Test Alexandria Township will be conducting a public accuracy test of the electronic ballot marker on March 5, 2017 at 5:00 PM at the Alexandria Township Office, 321Broadway, Suite 101, in preparation for the upcoming township election. Gregg Raisanen Clerk   Continue Reading

March 14, 2017 Annual Meeting Notice and Election of Officers

Notice of Annual Meeting and Election of Officers Alexandria Township Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of Alexandria Township, County of Douglas, State of Minnesota, that the Election of officers and Annual Township Meeting will be held Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.  Polls will be open from 12:00 Noon… Continue Reading

January 23, 2017 public hearing notices for Kramer CUP application and Preliminary Plat applications for TQM Addition and Anderson Storage

ALEXANDRIA TOWNSHIP NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Alexandria Township Planning Commission will convene on January 23, 2017, at 6:00 PM at the Township Conference Room (located at 324 Broadway, lower level) to conduct the following public hearings: Conditional Use Request to allow a used dwelling and garage in a Rural… Continue Reading

2017 Affidavits of Candidacy Filings

NOTICE: ALEXANDRIA TOWNSHIP OFFICES TO BE ELECTED Notice is hereby given that affidavits of candidacy shall be filed with the Township Clerk beginning January 3, 2017 through January 17, 2017 at the residence of the Clerk, 2203 Springdale NE for the following offices: Position D: Supervisor- 3 year term Position E: Supervisor- 3 year term… Continue Reading