For the convenience of participants, all Alexandria Township meetings are available online. Please check the agenda on the township’s website: for details on how to attend electronically and/or by phone.
Notice is hereby given that the Alexandria Township Planning Commission will convene on September 26, 2022, at 5:00 PM at the Township Conference Room (located at 324 Broadway, lower level) to conduct the following public hearings:
Interim Use Request for a home occupation business located in an Urban Residential District. Natalie Runge, applicant. Property is located at 2903 South Lake Jessie Road SE. Partial legal description: Section 33, Township 128, Range 37, E2SW4NE4 EX SW’LY 5.01 AC; W 30 AC OF SE4 NE4 EX E’LY 14.19 AC AC 21.80. Parcel No. 03-2093-000.
Amendments to the Alexandria Township Ordinance #134 (Zoning Ordinance) as
follows: Section III.B (Uses Permitted) to prohibit “shouse” buildings on parcels
less than 5 acres and require a conditional use if over 5 acres in certain zoning
districts, to clarify that low activity home occupations do not require permitting,
to require an interim use permit for the placement of cargo containers in certain
districts and prohibit them in shoreland areas, to require conditional use permits
for contractor yards without outdoor storage, to prohibit storage building planned
unit developments in all non-commercial/industrial zoning districts, to require a
conditional or interim use for event venues, to regulate seasonal storage facilities
in all zoning districts, to allow for light manufacturing and assembly uses in
residential zoning districts only if within a previously existing building and
prohibit it entirely within the residential shoreland district and to allow for other
uses not explicitly listed to be approved as either an interim or conditional use;
Section V.J (Accessory Buildings) to add a section regulating the placement of
cargo containers on property; Section V.L.2 (Alterations within the Shoreland) to
place additional restrictions on the use of rip rap on shoreline and vegetation
clearing and grading in shoreland areas; Section V.L.4 (Storm Water
Management) to delete allowances for pervious pavers to be considered pervious
in some instances; Section V.Q (Erosion Control and Stormwater Management) to
limit intensive vegetation/tree clearing in certain instances; Section VII
(Definitions) to add definitions for “cargo container,” “natural shoreline
vegetative condition,” “seasonal storage” and “shouse.”; and other miscellaneous
edits to improve readability or clarity.
All interested persons are invited to attend these hearings and be heard or send written comments to the Township office at PO Box 445, Alexandria, MN 56308. Copies of each application, the Township’s staff report, maps, drawings and other pertinent information are available at the Township office and are posted on-line approximately one week prior to the meeting date at
The Alexandria Township Planning Commission will be holding a public meeting to view this and other properties that are on the agenda and to gather information for the public hearing. They will be meeting onsite at 2903 South Lake Jessie Road SE at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 14, 2022.
Ben Oleson
Zoning Administrator
Alexandria Township