April 18, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Call to order – 10:00 a.m.


  1. Roll Call


In attendance were:


Commission members: Larry Steidl (chair), Linda Dokken-McFann, Bill Dropik,

Mary Hacker. Absent: Shad Steinbrecher, Zoning Administrator Ben Oleson


  1. Site Visits


  1. a) 5314 County Road 82 SE – Lindsay Berger was onsite representing Jamie Feldhake. She explained where the new house was to be located. She also stated that when the new house is completed, the existing house will be torn down. The site has approximately 40 acres and the new house will be situated in the middle of the lot. Chairman Steidl noted setbacks should not present any problems and that the site is connected to city sewer.
  2. b) 6101 Alyssa Lane NE – No one was onsite representing the Jacobsons. Chairman Steidl had met with their representative, Dan Paulson, on Thursday, April 17th to view the new changes from the previous site plan. Chairman Steidl noted the new location of the driveway (off Berglund Mile) and the parking area. The commission members also observed where the proposed three greenhouses would be located on the northeast corner of the lot and where possible signage would be located.
  3. Adjournment – there being no further discussion or other site visits, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.

Submitted by:

Larry Steidl, Planning Commission Chairman