April 22, 2009 Agenda

Call to Order – Chairman Knowles

Adopt Agenda

Approve Minutes 3/23/09 regular meeting; 04/14/09 site visits

Public Hearing

  1. Preliminary Plat of Victoria Crest – Wayne Virkus, applicant
  2. Preliminary Plat of Quitmeyer Addition – Scott Quitmeyer, applicant
  3. Preliminary Plat of Victoria Estates – Ben Zacher, applicant
  4. Conditional Use Permit – Shad Steinbrecher, applicant


Zoning Administrator’s Report


Old Business:

  1. Jack’s Family Recycling Center

New Business:





Dates to Remember:

May 19, 2009 – Site Visit

May 27, 2009 – Regular Planning Commission Meeting – 6:00 p.m. {note Wed.}

June 16, 2009 – Site Visit

June 22, 2009 – Regular Planning Commission Meeting – 6:00 p.m.