February 19, 2013 Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to Order – 12:30 PM


  1. Roll Call


In attendance were Lyle Hammerschmidt (Chair), Linda Dokken-McFann, Ben Oleson (Zoning Administrator).


Greg Hill was present as the applicant. No public was in attendance.


  1. Site Visits


Conditional use permit to increase the number of display cars from 15 to 60. Gregory J. Hill and Matthew J. Hill (G&M Advantage Auto Outlet Inc.), Applicants. Lambert Feda, Owner. Property located at 3505 State Highway 27E (new County Road 82). S/T/R 22-128-37 1.18 AC of G. Lot 1 S of RR Ex .09 AC. Parcel No. 03-1776-000.

Chairman Hammeschmidt opened the meeting at 12:30 pm and asked the applicant to explain the proposal. Hill noted the areas where he would like to display more cars, which included areas along the front of the building, along the entire highway frontage and alongside the east side of the building.

A question was raised regarding signage. Mr. Hill indicated he would be working with the boundaries of the existing sign.

A question was raised whether any auto repair would be taking place. Mr. Hill indicated no repair – but possibly auto detailing within the building in the future.

  1. Adjournment – There being no further discussion or other site visits, the meeting was adjourned at 12:47 pm.


Submitted by:

Ben Oleson

Hometown Planning

Alexandria Township Zoning Administrator