February 25, 2008 Agenda

Call to Order – Chairman Knowles

Adopt Agenda

Approve Minutes Site visits for 8/22/07, 10/16/07, 11/20/07, 12/11/07, planning commission minutes 12/17/07


(Need motion to recess the meeting to open up the public hearing.)


Public Hearing

  1. Preliminary Plat – Brede Addition — Jeffrey/Lori Brede
  2. Conditional Use Application – Jeffrey/Lori Brede
  3. Preliminary Plat – Eastgate – Dennis/Beckie Conn
  4. Conditional Use Application – Dennis/Beckie Conn


(Need motion to reconvene the regular commission meeting.)


Zoning Administrator’s Report


Old Business:

  1. Establish timelines for agenda topics





New Business:

  1. Discussion of sewer requirements in an urban residential district







Dates to Remember:

March 18, 2008 – Site Visit – 2:30 p.m.

March 24, 2008 – Regular Planning Commission Meeting – 6:30 p.m.