November 26, 2007 Agenda

Call to Order – Chairman Knowles

 Adopt Agenda

Approve Minutes {October 22, 2007}

(Need motion to recess the meeting to open up the public hearing.)

 Public Hearing

  1. Conditional Use Application re shoreland alteration on a steep slope – Mark and Carmon Watkins, Applicants

2.Preliminary Plat “Second Addition to Rambows Subdivision” – Arlynn Johnson, Applicant

3.Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan – Identifying additional areas appropriate for Commercial/Industrial uses

  1. Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance – re Sections II (Zoning Use Districts), II (Zoning District Regs) and/or V.F. (Nonconformities)
  1. Rezoning Application from Urban Residential to Light Industrial or Commercial-Rural – Kathy Hodges, Applicant (Jack’s Family Recycling Center)

Tabled item: Conditional Use Application to allow Light Industrial use of a building in the Urban Residential District – Kathy Hodges, Applicant (Jack’s Family Recycling Center)

(Need motion to reconvene the regular commission meeting.)


Zoning Administrator’s Report


Old Business:




New Business:

  1. Establish time limits for discussion of issues
  2. Expense reimbursement sheets – due Dec. 3rd
  3. Communications to commission members



Dates to Remember:

December 16, 2007 – Township Christmas Party

December 18, 2007 – Site Visit

December 26, 2007 – Regular Planning Commission Meeting – 6:30 p.m. {note: Wednesday}