A special public meeting of the Planning Commission of Alexandria Township was held on the 12th day of September, 2005.
ROLL CALL: Commission members present were Russ Niskanen, Larry Steidl and Bryon Alstead. Also present was Bonnie Fulghum, Deputy Clerk. As said members formed a quorum and the meeting began at 7:00 p.m.
Ben Oleson, Zoning Administrator, outlined the purpose of the meeting, which was to work on the comprehensive land use plan. He also provided a brief background on the necessity of establishing goals and policies for land use issues.
A handout depicting the results of the August 22, 2005 Comprehensive Plan meeting was provided by Oleson. Drafts of the township’s Vision Statement as well as Key Issues/Trends and Policy Statements for the areas of Agriculture, Housing Development and Commercial/Industrial Development was provided for comment and discussion.
Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted….
Bonnie Fulghum, Deputy Clerk
Approved this _______day of ________, 2005
John Knowles, Chairman